2022 Bible Study Guide
Nov 1st – 1 Samuel 15
- What does God tell Saul to do? What does Saul do, and what does he not do? What reason is given for why Saul did not do this?
- How does God view what Saul did? How does Saul view what he did? How does Saul rationalize his actions? Is there any way in which you are rationalizing partial obedience to God in your life? If so, how?
- What price does Saul pay for his disobedience? What attribute of God do we learn about in verse 29? What does it mean that God was grieved that he had made Saul king?
Nov 2nd 1 Samuel 16
- What do you think Samuel saw in Eliab that made him think God would choose him to be the next king? What is God’s response to this? What does it mean that God looks at the heart?
- Why do you think Jesse did not invite David to the sacrifice and have him pass before Samuel? What significant thing happened on the day David was anointed? What does this teach us about how we should look at people we think are not that special?
- How could the evil spirit that torments Saul be from the Lord? How does this lead to bringing David into Saul’s life? How did David serve Saul?
Nov 3rd – 1 Samuel 17
- How did the men of the Israelite army respond to the challenge and defiance of Goliath? Why did they respond this way? Is there anything that has intimidated you like this in your life? Describe it.
- How did David respond to the challenge and defiance of Goliath? What was the most offensive part of Goliath’s defiance for David? (v26) How does David convince Saul to let him fight Goliath?
- Why is David so confident going to fight Goliath, what is his confidence based on? What does David teach the Israelites and the Philistines by his victory over Goliath? What lesson is there in this story for us?
Nov 4th – Psalm 43
- What does the psalmist desire when he asks God to send forth his light and truth and let them guide him?
- In what ways does God give you joy? In what ways do you delight in the Lord?
- How do you most often worship the Lord? What prepares your heart to worship the Lord? Spend some time worshipping God for who he is and what he has done for you.
Nov 5th – 1 Samuel 18
- Who becomes a significant friend of David? How is David described in the way he accomplishes his duties for the king? How did Saul reward David for such service?
- What made Saul angry regarding David? Why did this make him so angry? Have you ever had this type of angry jealousy toward another?
- Why would the fact that the Lord was with David make Saul afraid? How did Saul try to kill David? How did this plan backfire for Saul?
Nov 6th – 1 Samuel 19
- Who intercedes for David with King Saul? What did he say to Saul about David? What is Saul’s reaction? Have you ever tried to reconcile two people in conflict? How did it go?
- Why do you think David was willing to go back into Saul’s service even though Saul had tried to kill him? Would you do this? What happened? How did David get away?
- What evidence do we see in this passage that God was protecting David from Saul? How has God protected you in your life?
Nov 7th – 1 Samuel 20
- How does Jonathan serve David in this passage? What does verse 4 tell us about Jonathan’s heart for David?
- How does Jonathan demonstrate selfless love for David? What cost is Jonathan willing to pay to see David blessed by God?
- In what ways are you showing love for those in your life that you love? How can you demonstrate your love for them with actions?
Nov 8th – 1 Samuel 21
- Why does David lie to Ahimelech and Achish? What motivates him to do this? Have you ever been similarly motivated to lie? What happened?
- Who does it seem David is trusting to protect him? How is this different from the time he fought Goliath?
- What does it look like to trust God with what is happening in your life right now?
Nov 9th – 1 Samuel 22
- What type of men gathered around David? Why do you think they gathered around David? How would you describe David as a leader?
- How does Saul interact with his officials? How do they respond to him? How would you describe Saul as a leader?
- Which of these men makes a better leader? Why? Which of these men are you more like? Why?
Nov 10th – 1 Samuel 23
- What does David do when he hears that Keilah is in trouble? What does this tell us about his heart? How did his men react to his decisions to intervene?
- Has anyone ever tried to talk you out of following what God clearly was leading you to do? How did you respond? Was it hard for you to follow through? What happened?
- What do you think it looked like for Jonathan to help David “find strength in God?” How can we do this for our brothers and sisters?
Nov 11th – Psalm 44
- According to the Psalmist who was responsible for the military victories of Israel that they have heard about? What victories has God won in your life? How does this change your perspective on the battles you are currently fighting?
- The psalmist describes suffering and the facing of death for God’s sake; how does Romans use this passage in Romans 8:36?
- Are you willing to endure hardship like what is described in this passage without losing faith in God? Why, why not?
Nov 12th – 1 Samuel 24
- What does it tell us about David that he spared Saul’s life in the cave? Would you have done the same? Why or why not?
- How does Saul react to David’s mercy? What does Saul ask David to promise him?
- In what ways has your trust in God and his word caused you to do something radical? In the conflicts that you experience ae you willing to not return evil for evil but rather trust God with the situation like David here? Explain your answer?
Nov 13th – 1 Samuel 25
- What was it that David asked for from Nabal? Why did Nabal refuse? How did David react to his refusal? Why did he react this way?
- What does Nabal’s wife do? Why does she do this? Why was this very risky for her to do? How does David respond?
- What would have happened had Abigail not intervened? Who besides her husband did she protect? Are you willing to intervene out of love for others if God leads you to? Why is this hard?
Nov 14th – 1 Samuel 26
- What reason does David give for not killing Saul when he had the chance? How would David’s life have improved had he killed Saul? What does his choice tell us about David’s heart?
- Instead of killing Saul what does David take? Why does he take this? How did Saul respond to David’s act of mercy?
- Is there anyone in your life right now with whom you are in conflict? How could you defuse the conflict by showing mercy to them?
Nov 15th – 1 Samuel 27
- Why did David go to live among the Philistines? Why was this a desperate move? How did Saul react to this move? Why do you think he reacted this way?
- What is significant about the people David was raiding? Why did he not leave any alive? How might this have affected the attitudes of the Israelites toward David since he was living among their enemies?
- Can you think of a time when you were feeling afraid and took matters into your own hands instead of trusting God? How did it turn out? Why are we so prone to do this?
Nov 16th – 1 Samuel 28
- Why had Saul expelled all of the mediums and spiritists from the Land? Where did Saul turn when God was silent to his prayer? Why was this a hypocritical thing for him to do?
- Have you ever gone against your convictions when in a desperate situation? Describe what happened?
- What does this story teach us about mediums and spiritists? Why should we never seek them out as Christians?
Nov 17th – 1 Samuel 29-30
- Why did the Philistine commanders not want David to fight with them? How does God use this to protect David’s reputation with the Israelites?
- How has God used unlikely people in your life to keep you from making a mistake? When did you recognize God’s hand in it? What does this teach us about God?
- How did David’s men react to the tragedy of losing their families and homes? Where did David turn in the midst of tragedy? What do you think it means that David found strength in the Lord? What might this look like for us?
Nov 18th – Psalm 45
- How is the king described in this Psalm? What character qualities is the king to exemplify?
- For what reason has God set the king above other kings? (verse 7) Does this describe our country’s leaders? Does it describe you?
- What parts of this Psalm demonstrate that it is a wedding song? In what sense is the king to be the bride’s “lord”?
Nov 19th 1 Samuel 31
- Why would Saul ask his armor bearer to kill him? Why do you think he refused, what was he scared of?
- Why is it significant that Saul and his sons all died on the same day? Who predicted this?
- Why did the valiant men of Jabesh Gilead travel with such urgency? Why did they do what they did with Saul and his son’s bodies? Do we have the same respect for the dead?
Nov 20th – Matthew 1
- Who are the women mentioned in the genealogy? What is the significance of their inclusion? What does this tell us about our God?
- What do we learn about Jesus’ earthly Father in the passage? What surprising things does Joseph do/not do?
- How would you explain the name Emmanuel and how it is appropriate for Jesus to someone who was not a believer?
Nov 21st – Matt 2
- What motivated the Magi to make such a long trip to Judea? When King Herod heard that they had come and why, what was his reaction? Why did he react this way?
- Why did Herod inquire of the exact time the star had appeared? What did King Herod tell the Magi he also wanted to do? Why didn’t the Magi go back to the King?
- How did God warn Joseph and his family about Herod’s plans? How many different ways are angels involved in directing Jesus’ earthly family? How do you think you would react if an angel gave you a warning or message in a dream?
Nov 22nd – Matt 3:1-12
- What was John the Baptist teaching? How does this message prepare the way for Jesus? What is the significance of John’s clothes? (see 2 Kings 1:8)
- What is John the Baptist telling the Pharisees and Sadducees to do in verse 8? What does that look like for them? What does that look like for you?
- What does John the Baptist mean when he refers to Jesus baptizing with the Holy Spirit and with fire?
Nov 23rd – Matt 3:13-4:11
- What reason did Jesus give to John for why he wanted to be baptized by him? What happened that was unique when Jesus was baptized? What is the significance of this moment?
- Who led Jesus into the desert? For what purpose? Why would the Spirit do this? Before the tempter came, what was Jesus doing?
- How does Jesus respond to each of the temptations of the evil one? Think of the areas where you are most often tempted, what verses of Scripture could you use to combat those temptations?
Nov 24th – Matt 4:12-25
- What Message was Jesus preaching? How did it compare to the message John the Baptist had been preaching? What is the significance of this?
- What does Jesus mean by “fishers of men”? How do Simon Peter and Andrew respond to Jesus’ call to follow him? Is your heart as quickly obedient as theirs? Why or why not?
- What three things did Jesus’ ministry consist of throughout Galilee? What effect did this ministry have on the people?
Nov 25th – Psalm 46
- How has God been an ever-present help in trouble for you? Because God is this help what does the Psalmist not do?
- In what ways have you been tempted to fear because of what has happened in your life or in our world? How has/might God help in situations like those?
- What does it mean to “be still and know that I am God”? What makes this hard for you? Are you living this way? If so how, if not, why not?
Nov 26th – Matt 5:1-12
- What does it mean to be poor in Spirit? As you evaluate your own heart, would you describe yourself as poor in spirit? Why or why not?
- What does it look like to hunger and thirst for righteousness? Would someone who is observing your life say that you hunger and thirst for righteousness? Explain your answer.
- What blessing is given to those who are persecuted because of righteousness and because of Christ? How are they to respond? Spend some time in prayer for those who are facing persecution for their faith in Christ.
Nov 27th – Matt 5:13-20
- In what ways are we to be the salt of the earth? What is the saltiness that we must not lose? How are you being the salt of the earth in your life?
- What does it mean to let your light shine before men? What is the desired outcome, who gets the glory? Are you living for God’s glory or for your own?
- How does Christ fulfill the law? What does Jesus mean when he says that our righteousness needs to surpass that of the Pharisees?
Nov 28th – Matt 5:21-30
- What is surprising and different about Jesus’ interpretation of the law’s command to not murder? Why does this make it harder to obey the command? Is there anyone in your life whom you are harboring anger against?
- Under what circumstance does Jesus tell us to go and be reconciled with our brother? According to this passage what should come first, reconciliation or worship? What does this tell us about the importance of reconciliation in God’s sight?
- What new perspective does Jesus teach regarding adultery? Does Jesus advocate here self-mutilation? If not, what is His point with the graphic language?
Nov 29th – Matt 5:31-42
- How would you restate Jesus’s teaching on divorce in this passage? What does Jesus mean by
- ‘sexual immorality’?
- What is the point of Jesus’s teachings on swearing an oath in this passage? Would others describe you as someone whose word they can trust? Why, or why not?
- What does Jesus mean not to resist an evil person? How does this passage change your perspective on interactions with people who have ill intentions towards you?
Nov 30th – Matt 5:43-6:8
- Why is it hard for you to love your enemies? What does it look like to love our enemies? Give some examples. Who in your life are you not loving like you should, and why?
- How does Jesus tell us we should give to the needy? When you help those in need would it bother you if no one noticed? What is promised to those who give the way Jesus commands us to give?
- According to Jesus why should we pray in secret? When you pray publicly or with other people do you pray differently than when it’s just you and God? What does this reveal about your heart?
Dec 1st – Matt 6:9-15
- How does Jesus say we are to address God in prayer? What does the word ‘hallowed’ mean? How do you express reverence for God when you pray?
- In asking for our daily bread what are we asking from God? Is this something you pray for? If so, how? If not, why not?
- What scary thing about forgiveness does Jesus teach us here? Is there anyone in your life you have not yet forgiven? If so, why not?
Dec 2nd – Psalm 47
- For what reasons does the Psalmist say the nations should worship God? How did he urge them to express their worship?
- In what way can this passage be a model for us to worship God? What reasons has God given you to worship Him, and how do you express that worship?
- How does the Psalmist describe the relationship between God and the nations of the world? Would this apply to nations that do not know/fear Him? What comfort does this give us in a world where fewer and fewer nations fear the Lord?
Dec 3rd – Matt 6:16-24
- When Jesus says, “When you fast”, what is He assuming? What role has fasting played in your relationship with God? How does Jesus say we should do this?
- What types of treasures might you be tempted to store up on earth? What does Jesus mean when He commands us to store up treasures in heaven? If you’re honest, which type of treasure does your heart desire more?
- Why does Jesus say you can’t serve two masters? Why do you think He uses money as an example of a competing master with God? How would you describe your heart’s attitude towards money?
Dec 4th – Matt 6:25-34
- What are we supposed to learn from the birds of the air? What are we supposed to learn from the lilies of the field?
- What are you tempted to worry about? How might this passage help you to overcome this temptation?
- What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God? What does it mean to seek His righteousness? Are you doing this in your life? Why or why not? What is promised to those who do this?
Dec 5th – Matt 7:1-12
- Why does Jesus command us not to judge? What does he say will happen to us if we do judge others? What does it mean to judge someone?
- What is Jesus’ point when talking about the speck and the plank? Why does it seem so easy to see others’ flaws and so difficult at times to see our own?
- What is Jesus teaching us with the bread, stone and fish, snake illustrations? How would believing this change the way you pray?
Dec 6th Matt 7:13-29
- How are we to recognize false prophets according to Jesus? What type of fruit might we recognize in the life of a false prophet?
- What does the fruit in your life say about the type of tree that you are? Who does Jesus say will enter the kingdom of heaven? Who will be turned away? Why?
- How does one build his house on the rock? How does one build his house on the sand? How are you building your house? What do you need to keep doing? What do you need to change?
Dec 7th – Matt 8:1-17
- Why do you think that Jesus commanded the leper to not tell anyone he had been healed? Why was he to go to the priests?
- What was it about the Centurion’s faith that impressed Jesus so much? To what is Jesus referring to when he talks about those from the east and west taking their places at the feast?
- How would you describe your faith? What has your faith motivated you to do recently that you would not otherwise have done?
Dec 8th – Matt 8:18-34
- What is Jesus trying to get across to the two disciples who want to follow him in verses 19 and 21? What does it cost you to follow Christ completely with no reservations? Are you willing to pay that price?
- What does Jesus’ calming of the storm teach us about Jesus? What difference does this make for you and how you react during the “storms” of your life?
- What do we learn from Jesus’ short conversation with the demons in this passage? Why do you think that the people pleaded with Jesus to leave their region?
Dec 9th – Psalm 48
- What city is the Psalmist talking about? How does the Psalmist describe this city? What gives the city these properties?
- What does the Psalmist meditate on in the temple of God? Reflect and meditate on this same thing, what comes to mind?
- What attribute of God are you most enthralled by? Why? Worship him for this?
Dec 10th – Matt 9:1-13
- Why do you think Jesus at first only told the paralytic his sins were forgiven when he was likely seeking healing? What was the response of those who witnessed this healing?
- What is the significance of Jesus calling Matthew, why was this such a big deal? Who does Matthew invite to dinner with Jesus? How does Jesus respond to the criticism of the Pharisees?
- If we believe what Jesus says here about the sick needing a doctor, how will it affect who we spend time with and how?
Dec 11th – Matt 9:14-31
- According to Jesus why were his disciples not fasting? What is Jesus’ point in talking about garments and wineskins?
- What made the woman with the issue of blood want to touch Jesus’ clothes? What does this tell us that she believed about Jesus? Why does Jesus ask the blind men if they believed he could heal them?
- How has your faith in Jesus motivated you to ask dramatic things from God? According to this passage how important is faith when we ask things from Christ?
Dec 12th – Matt 9:32-10:10
- How did the crowd respond to Jesus driving out the demon? Why did the Pharisees accuse Jesus of using demonic power? How do people try to explain away what Jesus does today?
- How did Jesus react when he saw the crowds? How is this different from the way we as Christians see non-Christians? What would it look like if we shared Jesus’ heart?
- When Jesus sent out his disciples what did he ask them to do? Why did he tell them not to take anything with them, what was he trying to teach them?
Dec 13th – Matt 10:11-42
- What does Jesus mean when he says that he is sending out his disciples like sheep among wolves? What does it look like to be shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves?
- How does Jesus describe the way the disciples will be treated by the world? What reasons for hope does he give them? What warning does he give them?
- Who does Jesus say is not worthy of him (v 37-39)? After reading how would you describe what Jesus expects from his followers? Does this describe you? If so how, if not, why not?
Dec 14th – Matt 11:1-19
- Why did Jesus answer John the Baptist’s disciples the way he did? What conclusion were they supposed to draw from this answer?
- How does Jesus describe John the Baptist to the crowd? What is the significance of Jesus saying that John the Baptist was the Elijah who was to come?
- Why does Jesus compare the present generation of people to children, what was it about their behavior that he calls them out for? How might Jesus describe our generation? How might he describe you?
Dec 15th – Matt 11:20-30
- What does Jesus have to say about the unrepentant cities? What does he mean when he says that the day of judgement will be more bearable for Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom than for these cities?
- Who does Jesus invite to come to Him? How do we come to Him when we feel this way? What does he invite us to do?
- Describe what rest for your soul is like? Have you experienced this? Jesus mentions his yoke and his burden, what do you think he is referring to?
Dec 16th – Psalm 49
- What does this Psalm teach us about the fleeting nature of wealth? What attitude of our heart are we warned against having toward the rich in this Psalm (v16)?
- If it is not wealth that redeems us from the grave what can? What hope does this psalm give the believer in the face of death? How might this change our view of death?
- What does the Psalmist mean when he refers to a man who has riches without understanding? What is he compared to? Do you possess the understanding the Psalmist refers to here, how do you know?
Dec 17th – Matt 12:1-21
- What did the Pharisees misunderstand about the Sabbath? What did Jesus reveal about himself in teaching them about the Sabbath?
- What made the Pharisees want to start plotting to kill Jesus? What did the Pharisees value more than helping people? What hypocrisy did Jesus expose in the hearts of the Pharisees?
- Why do you think Jesus kept warning people not to tell others who he was? What does the quote from Isaiah tell us about Jesus?
Dec 18th – Matt 12:22-37
- Why do you think the Pharisees accused Jesus of driving out demons by the power of Beelzebub? Who is Beelzebub? Why does this accusation not make sense according to Jesus?
- What does Jesus say will not be forgiven? What is this and how is it committed?
- What is Jesus’ point as he talks about good and bad trees? What do the things that come out of your mouth say about what is in your heart? What warning is given here about careless words?
Dec 19th – Matt 12:38-50
- Why does Jesus call those asking for a miraculous sign “a wicked and adulterous generation”? What does Jesus intend to teach us by bringing up Nineveh and the Queen of the South?
- What does Jesus teach us about evil spirits in this passage? What does Jesus mean to say about the current generation with this teaching?
- What does Jesus mean when he says that his disciples are his mother and his brothers? How does this affect how we view our brothers and sisters in Christ?
Dec 20th – Matt 13:1-23
- Describe the first type of soil in Jesus’ parable. What does Jesus say happens to the message with this soil? Has your heart ever been this type of soil? If so, describe it.
- Describe the 2nd type of soil. What is it that makes the word unfruitful with this soil? How do you respond when you face trouble and persecution because of your commitment to God’s Word?
- What is the third type of soil? What causes this type of soil to not be fruitful? What concerns threaten to make the word unfruitful in your life? Which type of soil are you? Why do you say this?
Dec 21st – Matt 13:24-52
- What is the point of Jesus’ parable about the weeds? What does this teach us about the kingdom of heaven? About the coming judgement?
- What do we learn about the kingdom of God from the parable of the mustard seed? From the parable of the yeast? From the parable of the net?
- What is Jesus teaching us about the value of the kingdom of God in the parable of treasure and the pearl? If we believed this, how would it affect the way we live?
Dec 22nd – Matt 13:53-14:21
- What was it about Jesus that made it hard for the people to respect him as who he was in his hometown? Why did Jesus not do many miracles there? What is the relationship between miracles and faith?
- What had made Herod so angry with John the Baptist? Has anyone ever been angry with you for something like this? What happened?
- Why do you think Jesus went to a solitary place after he heard that John the Baptist had been killed? What did Jesus teach his disciples through his miraculous feeding of the 5,000?
Dec 23rd – Psalm 50
- What does God speak against Israel? What does God say he does not need? What does God desire from his people? What does God desire from you?
- What does God say to the wicked in this Psalm? Does any of this describe you? How might the wicked think God was like them?
- What do you think it means when it says he who sacrifices thank offerings …prepares the way that I may show him the salvation of God?
Dec 24th – Luke 1:26-56
- Why do you think Mary was troubled by how the angel greeted her? What does the Angel tell Mary about her child she is going to have? How might you have responded in her place?
- How does the angel explain how this miracle will happen? What proof does the angel give that this can in fact be true? What is Mary’s response? Would you have the same faith, why or why not?
- Why do you think Mary went to go see Elizabeth? For what does Mary praise God in her song? If you were to sing a song about what God has/is doing in your life what would you include?
Dec 25th – Luke 2:1-20
- Why is it significant that Mary and Joseph had to make the trip to Bethlehem? (see Micah 5:2) What does this teach us about our God? What difference does this make in your life?
- What do you think the “glory of the Lord” might have looked like to the shepherds? Why do you think of all the people, God chose to announce the birth of his son to Shepherds?
- What 2 things did the shepherds do after they had seen baby Jesus? Which of these two things is harder for you to do? Why do you think that is?
Dec 26th – Matt 14:22-36
- What did Jesus go up on a mountainside for? What does this tell us about the importance of prayer for Jesus? What is the role of prayer in your life?
- What power does Jesus demonstrate by walking on the water? How was Peter able to walk on the water too? Why did he start to sink? When has your faith been like Peter’s here?
- What conclusion did the disciples come to when Jesus climbed into the boat? Can you remember the first time you realized who Jesus was? Describe it?
Dec 27th – Matt 15:1-20
- How did Jesus say that the Pharisees and teachers of the law broke God’s command to keep their tradition? What does it mean that they honor the Lord with their lips and their hearts are far from Him?
- Are there any ways that you in your “traditions” ignore the word of God? If so, how? Identify and confess any areas in our life where you honor God with your lips but your heart is far from Him.
- What does Jesus mean when he says it is not what goes into a man’s mouth that makes him unclean, but what comes out of his mouth? Describe what comes out of your mouth, what does it say about your heart?
Dec 28th – Matt 15:21-39
- Why does Jesus not at first respond to the Canaanite woman? How does the Canaanite woman demonstrate great faith? What does this teach us about our Lord?
- Who did the people praise when they saw Jesus healing the people? What does this tell us about whose glory Jesus was doing the healing for? What are you doing in your life that causes people to praise God?
- How did Jesus feel toward the large crowd of people who were with him? With what did Jesus feed over 4000 people? What can we learn about our Lord from this story?
Dec 29th – Matt 16:1-20
- What sign does Jesus say the people will get? What is he referring to with this sign? Have you ever asked God for a sign? What was the motive of your heart?
- What does Jesus mean when he warns his disciples about the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees? What lesson does he expect them to have learned from the fish and the loaves?
- Why does Jesus ask his disciples who the people say he is? Who do the disciples say Jesus is? Who do you say Jesus is? What is the “rock” that Jesus will build his church on?
Dec 30th – Psalm 51
- How is the way David confesses his sin here in this Psalm different from the way you confess your sin? How is it the same? Why is it significant that David acknowledges that his sin is against God himself?
- What is David asking for in verse 10-12? What is the steadfast spirit David asks for? Why would David ask for the restoration of the joy of his salvation? Have you ever had to pray for that? When and why?
- What does David say are the sacrifices of God? Describe in your own words what a broken and contrite heart looks like. Does this describe you?
Dec 31st – Matt 16:21-28
- How did Peter respond to Jesus telling him that he was going to suffer and die? Why did Jesus refer to Peter as Satan? What does this tell us about how Satan can work?
- What does Jesus say we must do if we want to follow Him? What does it mean to take up our cross? Are you currently denying yourself in order to follow Jesus like he says here? If so, how?
- What is the meaning of verse 25? In what areas are you most tempted to save your life? What would it look like in your life to lose your life for Christ? What is holding you back from living like that?
What does it mean that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all? (v5)
Verse 6 says that if we are walking in the darkness while claiming to have fellowship with God we are liars. Are there any ways that you are walking in the darkness?
What is the remarkable promise we are given in verse 9?
What are some sins that you need to confess to God?
January 2nd – Read 1 John 2:1-14
What does it mean that Jesus is our atoning sacrifice for our sins? (v2, see also Ex 30:10)
How do we know we have come to know Christ according to verses 3-6? What does this say about you, is there evidence that you know him in your life?
What does this say about the person who hates his brother? Is there hatred in your heart for another brother and sister in Christ? What should you do about it?
January 3rd – Read 1 John 2:15-27
What does it mean to love the world?
What does verse 24 warn us not to lose? If we do not lose it what are we promised? (v25)
How do these verses describe antichrists?
January 4th – 1 John 2:28-3:24
How would you feel if Jesus returned right now? Excited? Relieved? Ashamed? Why?
How does John describe a genuine Christian in this passage?
How are we instructed to love our brothers and sisters in this passage? How can you show love to another believer today?
January 5th – 1 John 4:1-21
Who is John referring to in v 4 when he says “the one who is in you?” What are the implications of this promise?
Why should we love one another as Christians according to this passage?
What gives us confidence on the day of judgement? Why do you think this is?
January 6th – 1 John 5:1-21
What does it look like for us to love God? (v3) How are you doing at loving God in this way?
What is God’s testimony about his Son and why does it matter to us? (v6-12)
What does John teach us here about prayer in verses 14-15? How does this affect how we pray?
January 7th – Psalm 1
How do the “blessed” live differently than the rest of the world?
What is the point of the tree illustration here?
What does it mean to meditate on the “Law of the Lord?” How are you at doing this?
January 8th – Joshua 1
God commands Joshua 3 times to be strong and courageous in this chapter. What would it look like for you to be strong and courageous in your obedience to God?
What promise did God make to Joshua that made it possible for him to be strong and courageous? Do you believe this promise too? Do you live like you believe it?
What did God command Joshua concerning the Book of the Law (Scripture)? How would you describe the Scripture’s role in your life?
What motivated Rahab to take the huge risk of aiding the Israelite spies?
When has trusting God motivated you to go against “conventional” wisdom and do something radical like Rahab?
Despite her sinful occupation and background what does it tell us about our God that she is commended for her faith in Heb 11:31, and even included in the earthy line of Jesus Christ (Matt 1:5)?
January 10th – Joshua 3
Why were the Israelites instructed to stay at a distance from the ark? How do you show that kind of reverence and respect for God’s holiness in your life?
In verse 5 Joshua instructs the people to “consecrate yourselves” what does this mean and why does he command the people to do this?
How might we prepare ourselves for the Lord to do amazing things in our lives?
January 11th – Joshua 4
What was the purpose of the 12 stones that Joshua commanded the people to take from the Jordan and set up on the other side?
What “stones” do you have in your life that remind you of amazing things that God has done? Who could you tell about them today?
January 12th – Joshua 5:1-12
Why did God have Joshua circumcise the Israelites again? (V4-7)
What is the significance of circumcision to Israel and their relationship to God? (see Num 14:34; Gen 17:1-14)
How is your relationship with God? Are there any areas of your life that you need to recommit to God?
January 13th – Joshua 5:13-6:27
What is meant by the response “neither” in 5:14? How might this change how we think in the midst of conflict?
Why do you think God gave such strange instruction for the defeat of Jericho? Has God ever asked you to do something that did not at first make sense and how did you respond?
What battle are you facing in your life that seems like a Jericho? Are you trying to fight that obstacle your way, or God’s way?
January 14th – Psalm 2
In what ways do we see the rulers of our world rebelling against the Lord?
How does God respond to their rebellion? (v4-6)
What commands are given to the kings of the earth in verses 10-12? How then ought we to pray for our president?
January 15th – Joshua 7
What reason did God give to Joshua for their defeat at the hands of the men of Ai?
Is there anything in your life that (unconfessed hidden sin) that would make you liable to destruction like Israel in this story? If so confess and repent of it.
What does this story teach us about the effect our sin can have on those around us?
January 16th – Joshua 8:1-29
Why did God need to remind the Israelites to not be afraid and discouraged in verse 1? What were they likely afraid of?
Is there an area of your life where you are afraid to step out in faithful obedience to what God is calling you to do perhaps because of a past failure?
Have you ever been discouraged over a past failure, uncertain if God still is willing to work in your life? What do we learn about God by what he does for Israel in this chapter?
January 17th – Joshua 8:30-35
When Joshua wanted to worship God he built an altar, what do you do to worship God, is it a priority for you?
God specifically commanded Joshua and the Israelites to do this in Dt 27:1-8. What is God trying to teach them?
When was the last time you recommitted your life to Christ? If it has been awhile would you renew your commitment to him today?
January 18th – Joshua 9
What was the major mistake Israel made in this situation? (V 14) Have you ever made this same mistake when making a decision?
Why didn’t the Israelites just break their promise to the Gibeonites? (v19-20)
What does this passage teach us about how we are to behave when we are deceived or taken advantage of?
January 19th – Joshua 10:1-15
If you were Israel would you come to the aid of the Gibeonites who had deceived you? Why do you think Israel did come to their aid?
What are some ways you can come to the aid of someone in need this week?
God intervenes in a dramatic way in this battle, what hope does this give us when we face extremely difficult situations? Has God ever intervened in a dramatic way in your life? If so, How?
January 20th – Joshua 10:16-11:23
Why was Israel destroying these cities and peoples so completely without restraint or mercy? (see Dt 7:16).
According to Dt 7:16 God knew that the gods of the Cannanites would be a snare to the Israelites, what tends to be a snare for you in this world?
Do you approach sin in your life with the same attitude that Israel does in this passage, are you ruthless, unrelenting, unmerciful, unyielding in your attempts to eradicate sin from your life?
January 21st – Psalm 3
Have you ever felt like David here that many were out to get you and to oppose you? Describe that time.
How does David describe God in this Psalm?
What might it look like for God to sustain us (v5) or deliver (v7) us in desperate times?
January 22nd – Joshua 12-13:7
In chapter 12 we have a list of all of the victories God has given the Israelites in their quest to take over the Promised Land. What could you write down as victories that God has given to you over the years of walking with Him?
The first verses of chapter 13 list what still needs to be done in taking over the Promised Land, as you look at your life where do you still need God to work, are there any areas that you have neglected to surrender to God?
January 23rd - Joshua 13:8-14:5
There are some of the people of the land that Israel did not drive out as they were commanded (v 13) and they became a snare to Israel. Is there anything currently in your life that is a snare drawing you away from God?
What was unique about the inheritance of the Levites? Would you feel disappointed or excited with their inheritance? Why?
January 24th – Joshua 14:5-15
How did Caleb follow the Lord wholeheartedly, what did that look like for him? (see Num 13)
Do you follow the Lord wholeheartedly? What does it look like in your life?
Caleb was blessed by God for his faithful obedience and trust, have you seen God’s blessing in your life? If so how?
January 25th – Joshua 15
Caleb at 85 was able to drive out the descendants of Anak how is this possible?
What does this teach you about what God can do through you no matter what age you are?
January 26th – Joshua 16-17
What does it teach us about the heart of God that he commanded the daughters of Zelophehad be given an inheritance even though that was not in keeping with the cultural values of the time?
What were the people of Joseph intimidated by causing them no to want to drive out the people of the land? Have you ever hesitated doing something God called you to do because you were intimidated by it? What happened?
January 27th – Joshua 18-19
What does it mean to cast lots? Why do you think they used this method to determine the will of God?
How do we determine the will of God in our lives today? What remarkable resource have we been given as Christians that the Israelites did not have?
These chapters remind us that God is a fulfiller of promises, which of God’s promises is the most meaningful to you? Why?
January 28th – Psalm 4
David is confident that God hears his prayer, do you have the same confidence? Why or why not?
We are urged to not sin in our anger, how might we sin in our anger, how might we be angry and not sin?
David describes a great joy from God in his heart greater than any joy wealth might bring him. Do you feel that same joy? If so describe it, if not why do you think you don’t?
January 29th – Joshua 20
What does it tell us about our God that he made it a priority to designate cities of refuge that people could run to for mercy?
How do the cities of refuge paint for us a picture of the Gospel?
Are you dealing with the consequences of some sin in your life? To whom do we run for our refuge in those times? Do you need to run to him today?
January 30th – Joshua 21
The Levites were the priestly tribe, why do you think God spread them out among the other tribes like he did instead of putting them all in one place?
What does it teach us about our God that he made good on all his promises to Israel regarding the land?
Which of God’s promises to you do you most look forward to his fulfilling? Why?
January 31st – Joshua 22
What was the parting command that Joshua gave to the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh? (v5) Do these words describe your commitment to God? Why or why not?
Why did the other tribes consider it a bad thing for the Reubenites, Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh to make at altar on the border of Cannan? (see also Dt 12:10-14)
Are you willing to be used by God to confront a brother who appears to be sinning like the nine and a half tribes did here? Why is this hard?
February 1st – Joshua 23
What command does Joshua repeat in this passage? (v6, 11) What is the implied danger of not heeding this command?
What was Joshua concerned about the nations around Israel becoming? (v12-13) In what ways can the people of our world today who don’t share our faith be a similar threat to us?
Joshua encourages Israel to have a healthy fear of God as a motivation for obedience. Do you think you have a healthy fear of God? How has it motivated you toward obedience?
February 2nd – Joshua 24
Why do you think God through Joshua reminded Israel of all the things he had done for them? What would that list look like in your life?
Are there things in your life that compete with God for the loyalty of your heart? Are you willing to throw them away? What would that look like?
Have you ever decided once and for all that you are going to serve God wholeheartedly, without qualification or reservation? If so, have you continued to live out that commitment? If not, what has held you back?
February 3rd – James 1:1-18
What reason does James give for considering our trials a joy? Why do we find this so hard to do?
According to verse 6 when we ask for wisdom how do we need to ask? Do you struggle with doubt in your prayers to God? Why do you think that is?
How does James describe temptation? Consider an area where you are regularly tempted, what is the evil desire in your heart that it starts with? Repent of that desire.
February 4th – Psalm 5
What would it look like for you to pray expectantly like David describes in verse 3? Is that different from how you pray now? If so, how?
How does David describe God’s attitude toward the wicked? Have you ever been guilty of the specific sins mentioned here? How has it affected your relationship with God?
David describes God as a refuge, one who protects, and a shield. What are some ways that God has been like this for you in your life?
February 5th – James 1 19-27
Which do you find the hardest to do; being quick to listen, being slow to speak, or being slow to become angry? Why do you think that is?
Think of some examples of when you have merely listened to the word and not done what it says. How was this deceiving yourself?
What does God our Father accept as pure and faultless religion? In what ways can/are you doing this?
February 6th – James 2:1-13
When have you been tempted to show favoritism to someone? Why do we do this? Why is it wrong?
What does James call the “royal law?” What does it look like to live this law out in real life?
What does it take to be considered a lawbreaker/sinner? (v 10) Is there an area in your life where you are breaking God’s command and excusing it as no big deal because you consider it a small thing? If so, what should you do?
February 7th – James 2:14-26
Describe in your own words the connection between genuine faith and deeds/works.
What is meant by the statement that faith without deeds is dead?
Does your faith lead you to do good works, deeds, and/or actions in any way? If so give examples, if not why not?
February 8th – James 3
What are some examples of ways the tongue can be used for evil? What are some ways that you have used your tongue to cause damage to others? Confess this to God if you haven’t done so?
Why do you think it is so hard to control and tame your tongue?
How is the wisdom that is from heaven described? Does this describe you? Why or why not?
February 9th – James 4
Think of a conflict you recently experienced, what was the desire in your heart that led to the conflict? What would have been a better way to handle that desire?
What are the areas in your life where you need to resist the devil? What areas do you still need to submit to God? What will that look like?
Is there any good thing you know you ought to do that you are not doing right now? Why are you not doing it?
February 10th – James 5
How does knowledge and hope of the Lord’s coming help us be patient amidst the difficult circumstances of life?
How do you react to the command in verse 16 to confess your sins to each other? Why do you think you react that way? Do you have someone in your life that you confess your sins to? If not why not?
How is your prayer life? Do you believe the promise in verse 16b? What are some ways you have seen prayer effective in your life?
February 11th – Psalm 6
Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt the anguish of soul that David expresses here? Describe that time and how you responded to it.
How does David’s attitude change in verses 8-10 from the verses that came before them?
David expresses confidence that God has heard his cry and accepted his prayer, do you have that confidence and assurance? Why or why not?
February 12th – Nehemiah 1
What was Nehemiah’s response to troubling and unpleasant news about his people? How have you responded to bad news when you have received it?
We often think of confession as a private and personal thing, why do you think Nehemiah confessed the sins of his people to God?
Nehemiah made a very specific and bold request of God in verse 11, what specific and bold things are you praying for?
February 13th – Nehemiah 2:1-10
Why do you think Nehemiah was so scared in verse 2? Have you ever been nervous or scared when God opens a door for an important conversation in your life? Describe how you responded.
What does Nehemiah do as he makes his request of the king?(v4) What does this tell us about the heart of Nehemiah, who was he relying on to make his request successful?
How does God answer Nehemiah’s prayer? What big thing are you praying about? What would it look like for God to answer it?
February 14th – Nehemiah 2:11-20
Why do you think Nehemiah set out at night to investigate the walls with only a few men before he told anyone what he was planning to do?
Is there a need or ministry that God has placed on your heart that you need to investigate like Nehemiah did here? What is it and how would you get more information?
Have you ever been ridiculed for following a passion God has placed in your heart? How did you respond to that ridicule?
February 15th – Nehemiah 3
How many different professions are listed here among those working on the rebuilding of the wall? Have you ever done something that was stretching and outside your comfort zone for God? If so what, if not why not?
The Israelites were working together to accomplish a specific mission each having a part, do you know what the mission of our church is? What is your part/role in accomplishing that mission?
Some thought themselves too important to work alongside others in this project (V5), have you ever wrestled with this attitude? Is there anything you are not willing to do for God? Why?
February 16th – Nehemiah 4
How did Nehemiah and the Israelites respond to the ridicule and threats of Sanballat and others? What does their response tell us about their hearts? What does our response say about our hearts?
What are some ways that our world today is hostile to our desire to faithfully serve God? How does it affect our desire to be faithful to God?
What does Nehemiah Nehemiah tell the people to encourage them?(v14, 19-20) How does remembering who our God is encourage us when we are discouraged?
February 17th – Nehemiah 5
What made Nehemiah so angry in this passage, what were the people guilty of? How do the people respond when they are confronted about this?(v8)
What does Nehemiah mean by telling them they should walk in the fear of God?(v9)
Nehemiah acted differently than his predecessors “out of reverence for God.”(v15) How might you live differently at home, and at work because of your reverence for God?
February 18th – Psalm 7
What is the most surprising request that David makes of the Lord in this Psalm? Why is it so surprising to you?
How does this Psalm describe God’s treatment of the righteous? His treatment of the wicked?
What attribute of God motivates David to worship in this Psalm? What attribute of God is motivating you to praise Him today?
February 19th – Nehemiah 6:1-14-7:73
Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem make another attempt to distract Nehemiah from finishing the walls he is building, what are some ways the evil one has attempted to distract you from doing what God has called you to do?
How does Nehemiah respond to their attempts to distract him?(v9) How do you respond when the evil one tried to distract you from being obedient to God?
Nehemiah received bad advice from among his own people in verse 10. Have you ever encountered distractions from following God from within the church? How did you respond to them?
February 20th – Nehemiah 6:15-7:73
What was the response of the surrounding nations when they heard that the wall had been finished? Why was this their response? What were they afraid of?
Has God ever laid on your heart a “God sized” project? What does this passage teach us about God and what his people can accomplish with his help?
There were some among the Israelites that were favorably disposed toward Tobiah, an enemy of Israel, are there any enemies of God in your life that you are favorably disposed toward? Why?
February 21st – Nehemiah 8
What role do the Scriptures have in your life? How eager are you to be in the Scriptures? What makes you eager to read them? Why are you not more eager to read the Word of God?
How do you respond to reading the Scripture? Do the Scriptures draw you into a worship of our God? If so how, if not why not?
Why do you think the Israelites were weeping as they listened to the Scriptures? Have the Scriptures ever prompted strong emotions from you as you read what it teaches? Describe those emotions?
February 22nd – Nehemiah 9:1-37
How often do you have a time of intentional confession before the Lord? Why is this hard? Is there anything that you need to confess to the Lord right now today?
How do the Israelites start their prayer of confession, what do they acknowledge about God and who he is? Why do you think they start their prayer or confession this way?
Why do you think the Israelites confessed not only their own sins but also the sins of their forefathers? Take some time and confess the sins of your family before God inasmuch as you are aware of them.
February 23rd Nehemiah 9:38-10:39
Describe in your own words the commitment that the Israelites are making in this passage.
Describe honestly the level of commitment you are willing to make to God? If you first made a commitment to God years ago have you stayed true to that commitment? Is there a need in your life to renew you commitment to God now?
There were many practical implication of this commitment to God for the Israelites. In what practical ways does you commitment to God impact your life, how do you live differently because of it?
February 24th Nehemiah 11:1-12:26
The casting of lots was used to determine God’s will here to determine who he wanted to live in Jerusalem. Are you at a point in your walk with God that you are willing to surrender completely to the will of God no matter where it will take you, why or why not?
What are some of the professions specifically listed here in the lists of where people lived? If this were being written about you what is your God given role in society? In the church?
How would it change the way you work if you believed that God placed you in that role for his glory?
February 25th Psalm 8
What does David mean to communicate when he claims that “from the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise?
What response does the grandeur of the heavens create in the heart of David? Have you ever marveled at how God sees and treats us? How is this different from just feeling insignificant or unworthy?
How is man described in this Psalm? What value is given to us? What authority and responsibility?
February 26th Nehemiah 12:27-47
The Israelites organized a great worship service to give glory to God for the completion of the wall here if you were going to design a great worship service to God what would it look like, what would it include?
Do you find it easy to give glory to God for the significant accomplishments of your life? Or does your heart prefer to have the glory yourself for those accomplishments?
In verse 43 we are told that God had given them great joy, describe the ways God has given you joy over the years.
February 27th – Nehemiah 13
How do you respond when you read something in the Scripture that commands something different than what you are currently doing? Ignore it? Justify your current activity? Or obey it? Why?
Nehemiah is zealous in his pursuit of holiness before the Lord for himself and for the Israelites. How have you been zealous in your pursuit of holiness personally? If you have not passionately pursued personal holiness why not?
If Nehemiah was to observe your life and your commitment to God and personal holiness, what changes would he urge you to make? What would he ask you to change? What would he commend you for?
February 28th – 2 Corinthians 1:1-11
What is the purpose for God’s comforting us according to verse 4? Describe how God has comforted you through a difficult time. Who might God want you to comfort?
How does Paul describe the difficulties he has undergone in verse 8? Have you ever felt this way? According to Paul why did this happen? What hope does that give you in those times?
What unique benefits do we see from close Christian fellowship in this passage?
March 1st – 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4
How does Paul describe how he conducts himself in this passage? (v12) What would it look like for you to live a life committed to holiness and sincerity like Paul here? Which do you find more difficult, sincerity or holiness, and why?
What does Paul have to say about the message they have preached? Why can we trust Paul’s message about Jesus according to this passage?
Why did Paul decide not to make another visit to Corinth and write a letter instead? What seems to be the motive behind this decision? Have you ever had to write a difficult letter with tears to someone you loved? What effect did it have?
March 2nd – 2 Corinthians 2:5-11
What punishment might Paul be referring to in verse 6? (See also Matt 18:15-17)
Why does Paul urge them to forgive and comfort the one who has sinned? (v7) How does it make you feel when someone forgives and comforts you after you have sinned? Why is this sometimes very hard to do?
How does forgiving others prevent us from being outwitted by Satan? What might be the schemes of the evil one that Paul says we are not unaware of in verse 11?
March 3rd – 2 Corinthians 2:12-3:6
How does God spread the fragrance of the knowledge of Him through you? In your family? With your coworkers? With your neighbors and friends?
What does it mean that we are the smell of death to the perishing? What does it mean that we are the fragrance of life to those who are being saved?
Where does Paul’s sense of competence in ministry come from? How might this be an encouragement to you to be a witness for Jesus when you are scared about doing so?
March 4th Psalm 9
The Psalmist commits to telling others about the wonders of God, what are your favorite ‘wonders’ of God that you can tell others about today?
What promises do you see in this Psalm? Which one is the most meaningful to you? Why?
What does this Psalm describe as God’s response to the wicked? Have you ever praised God for his justice? How does knowing that God will ultimately mete out true justice help us live in a world when justice is often perverted?
March 5th – 2 Corinthians 3:7-18
What is the hope that Paul makes reference to in verse 12? What is the effect of that hope on Paul’s witness? Describe your hope based on the Gospel and the effect it has on your witness?
How are you being transformed into the likeness of Jesus? List some specific ways that God is changing your heart and mind to be more like his.
March 6th – 2 Corinthians 4
Who is the ‘god of this age’ referenced in verse 4? What does it mean that he is blinding the minds of unbelievers? What are the implications of this for how we share Christ with them?
In what ways have you experienced the hard things discussed in verse 8-9 in your Christian life? Hard-pressed? Perplexed? Persecuted? Struck down? What hope is given in these verses for us?
According to this passage, why ought we not lose heart in our following of Christ no matter what? What does it mean to live with our eyes fixed on what is unseen and not on what is seen?
March 7th 2 Corinthians 5:1-10
What is the tent Paul refers to in verse 1? What about the building from God? Describe the difference between the two.
What is the purpose God has made us for? What is it that the Spirit we have been given guarantees us?
How do you react to verse 10? Does this scare you? How might this verse motivate you to live more obediently in order to please God?
March 8th – 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2
What are some things that Christ’s love has compelled you to do?
As you honestly look at your life are you living for yourself, or for Christ who died for you and was raised again? What would it look like to start living for Christ in the areas of your life where you are currently living for yourself?
What is meant by the ministry of reconciliation that God has entrusted to us? Who might God want to make his appeal to through you? Are you willing to be his ambassador?
March 9th – 2 Corinthians 6:3-13
What are you willing to endure to faithfully be a servant of God? What have you had to endure to be faithful to God in the past?
Paul describes himself as poor yet making many rich; how is this possible, what does he mean? He also describes himself as having nothing and yet possessing everything; what does he mean by this?
March 10th – 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1
What does Paul mean when he commands us to not be yoked together with unbelievers? What reasons does he give for this command?
This passage is often applied to marriage, which is valid, but what other areas of our lives might this command apply as well?
Paul urges us to purify ourselves from everything that contaminates our bodies and our Spirit. What are some things that contaminate our bodies? What are some things that contaminate our spirits?
March 11th – Psalm 10
Have you ever felt like the Psalmist does in verse 1, that God is far off and hidden in times of trouble? Describe that time.
How do you see our world fitting the description of the wicked man given here? Are there any of these descriptions that describe you more than you would like to admit?
How is God described in this Psalm? How is that description helpful to the feelings expressed in the first verse? Which of the descriptions is the most meaningful to you and why?
March 12th – 2 Corinthians 7:2-16
Paul describes his great love for the Corinthian church and their love for him. What kind of love do you have for people of the church? What kind of love have they expressed to you? Give examples.
Paul describes godly sorrow that leads to repentance in the lives of the church. When have you experienced this kind of sorrow that leads to repentance? Who has God used in your life to speak the truth to you even when it is hard to hear leading to this godly sorrow and repentance?
What might be some things that the church did to/for Titus that refreshed him? Is there another believer whom you can refresh in some way? How can you do it?
March 13th – 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:5
What does rich generosity look like for someone in extreme poverty?(v2) Why did the Macedonian church give beyond their ability? Have you ever given beyond your ability, why, why not?
What would it look like in your life to excel in the grace of giving? Do you give regularly to the Lord’s work? Do you see giving to the Lord’s work as a responsibility or a privilege? Why?
How did Jesus become poor for our sakes? How did this make us rich? What can we learn from Jesus’ example?
March 14th – 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
What does it look like to sow sparingly? Reap Sparingly? What about sowing generously? Reaping generously? What is the correlation between generosity and God’s blessing?
How should we give according to this passage? Does this describe you? How would God describe your giving and your attitude as you give?
What are we told God will do in verse 10-11? What is the purpose of making us rich in every way in verse 11? What is the intended result of our generosity?
March 15th – 2 Corinthians 10
How does Paul describe how he is different from the world? What are his weapons that he refers to? What are they capable of doing?
Paul talks about taking captive every thought and making it obedient to Christ, what does he mean by this? What thoughts might you struggle with that you need to make obedient to Christ?
Do you seek to commend yourself for the things that you have done or plan to do, or do you seek the commendation of God? What is the difference? Which is better according to verse 18.
March 16th – 2 Corinthians 11:1-15
What was Paul was concerned about the Church in Corinth being led astray by? Do we see any of these things threatening to lead Christians astray today? Describe them.
How does Paul describe false teachers in this passage? How does Paul describe Satan? What does this description teach us about Satan?
March 17th – 2 Corinthians 11:16-33
What suffering has Paul had to endure for Christ? What suffering have you had to endure for Christ? What would you be willing to suffer for Christ? Why do you think that?
What does Paul say that he will boast about in verse 30? What do we usually do with the things that show our weaknesses? What does it say about Paul that he would not only share these things but boast about them?
March 18th – Psalm 11
What advice is the Psalmist responding to that is described in verse 1b-3? Have you ever felt this way? Interacted with someone who felt this way?
The Psalmist explains why he takes refuge in the Lord in verses 4-7, put this in your own words.
How is God described in this Psalm? Spend some time reflecting on these attributes of God and worship him for them.
March 19th – 2 Corinthians 12:1-10
What reason does Paul give for refraining from boasting about things that are true about himself? (v6) Do you ever find yourself wanting people to think more highly about you than you really deserve? Why do we so often do this?
Why was Paul given a thorn in his flesh? What keeps you humble? How did God respond to Paul’s prayers to remove it? What does this teach us about God?
In what ways have you experienced God’s strength in your weakness? Does this change the way you think about your weakness? If so how?
March 20th – 2 Corinthians 12:11-21
How would you explain Paul’s view of himself in verse 11 in your own words? How do you view yourself and your importance? On what do you base this view of yourself?
What did Paul fear he would find in the church when he visited? (20-21) Which of these have you struggled with? What would Paul find if he visited our church?
March 21st – 2 Corinthians 13
How does one test themselves to see whether they are in the faith as verse 5 commands? If we pass the test what does that mean? What about if we fail?
For what purpose did God give Paul authority over the church? What does this teach us about authority of church leaders? What is meant by building you up?
In his conclusion Paul urges the Corinthians to aim for perfection, what does he mean by that? What would it look like for you to aim for perfection? What does he mean by “be of one mind?”
March 22nd – Proverbs 1:1-19
Which of the purposes listed for the Proverbs appeals to you the most? Why?
What is meant by “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge?” What does the fool despise? Is there any area of your life where you behave like the fool?
What sort of sinners entice you, where is your heart tempted most? What is the result of the wicked acts of the men described in v11-16?
March 23rd – Proverbs 1:20-33
What is the result of people rejecting wisdom? Can you think of a time that you rejected wisdom? How did things turn out?
In verses 28 and following wisdom does not respond to those calling to her? Why do you think that is? What should this motivate us to do?
Describe what is meant by the complacency of fools in verse 32. Are there areas of your life where you have experienced complacency?
March 24th – Proverbs 2
What does it mean to look for wisdom and understanding as for silver or hidden treasure? Do you look for wisdom in this way? What does verse 5 say is the result of such earnest seeking?
Which is the word pictures describing God is the most meaningful to you in this passage? Why?
What will wisdom save us from? How might wisdom save us from these things? Can you think of a time when heeding biblical wisdom saved you from a snare of the evil one?
March 25th – Psalm 12
What is the Psalmist feeling about the condition of the world? Have you felt this way about our world? Why, why not, what observations make you feel this way?
What causes the Lord to rise up and act? (v5) What does this teach us about the heart of our God? What might this rising up of the Lord look like?
How does verse 8 describe our world today? What promise comes in verse 7? How does this promise change your outlook/perspective on our increasingly wicked world?
March 26th – Proverbs 3
Why is it hard for us to trust in the Lord instead of leaning on our own understanding? What promise are we given when we acknowledge God in everything we do? Is there an area of your life where you struggle to trust God in? Why do you think that particular area is so hard?
We are told to honor the Lord with our wealth, how can we do that? What promise follows this command? Have you experienced the blessings of God in this way? If so how?
If we live according to sound judgement and discernment according to verse 21-26 what are eh benefits? How might we learn how to live this way? Give some examples.
March 27th – Proverbs 4
What are the things that wisdom will do for you according to verses 6-9? How does wisdom do these things in our lives? Which if these things do you desire most? Why?
What warning is given in verses 14-17? Are there any ways in which your life resembles the lives of wicked men? If so how? Are there any ways you have turned away from wise council you have received from fellow Christians? If so why?
What are we to guard above all else? Why is this so important? What do you know that you need to guard your heart from? What would your spouse say that you need to guard your heart from?
March 28th – Proverbs 5
How is the adulteress described in this passage? How is sexual immorality of various kinds like the adulteress described here?
What concrete steps can you take in your life to “keep to a path far from sexual immorality in our world today? How is the one who gives in to the adulteress (sexual immorality) described at the end of his life?
What is meant by the figurative language in verses 15-17? (verse 18-19 might help) Sexual sin is often hidden from others, but who sees everything we do? How might this fact motivate us to live righteous lives?
March 29th – Proverbs 6
What is the lesson we are to learn from the ant? Are there any areas of your life where you are like the sluggard? What does this passage say is the result of laziness?
What are the 7 things that are detestable to God? Do you struggle with any of these things? What is the significance of the fact that lying is mentioned twice in this list?
What is meant by the word pictures in verses 27-29? What is the difference between a thief who steals to fulfill a desire and the adulterer who sins to fulfill a desire? (v30-35)
March 30th – Proverbs 7
In what ways are we lured into sexual sin in our world today like the adulteress lured the young man in this chapter? Give examples? What can keep us from the adulteress according to this passage?
What lies does the adulteress want the young man to believe so that he will follow her? How can we spot the lies of the evil one in our lives? What lies are you tempted to believe?
After the young man decides to follow her what word pictures are used to describe him? What does giving in to this type of sexual temptation lead to?
March 31st – Proverbs 8
What comes with the fear of the Lord? Does this describe you? Is there any sin in your life that you do not hate? Why do you think that is?
What is promised to come with wisdom in verses 18-21? How is this different from gold and silver? What do you think this will look like?
In what ways have you seen God’s blessing in your life when you have lived by Godly wisdom? What happens to those who find wisdom? What happens to those who do not?
April 1st – Psalm 13
Have you ever felt like God had forgotten you? If so, what made you feel that way? How did it affect your actions?
Despite his feelings of abandonment by God what did the Psalmist conclude? Have you ever chosen to trust God even when it felt like he was not there?
What are some examples of how God has been good to you?
April 2nd – Proverbs 9
Explain the principle verses 7-9 are teaching us? Why the huge difference in response? How do you respond to rebuke?
How does the fear of God serve as the beginning of wisdom?
What is the difference between the invitations of wisdom and folly in this chapter? Looking at your life who has been the voice of wisdom for you? What about the voice of folly? Which have you listened to more?
April 3rd – Proverbs 10
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What are we taught about our speech from the proverbs in this chapter? How should we use our speech righteously? How do the wicked/fools use their speech? Is this affirming to you or convicting? Why?
What is the principle behind verse 17? Give some examples of times you have heeded discipline. What was the result? Give some examples of when you have ignored correction and what was the result.
April 4th – Proverbs 11
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What is the principle of verse 14? Are you more prone to go it alone or seek out advice from others when you make decisions? Who do you trust to be a good advisor? Why?
What does verse 28 say is the result of trusting in our riches? What does it look like to trust in our riches? Have you ever been guilty of this? What does the verse say about the righteous?
April 5th – Proverbs 12
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What does it mean to love discipline? How does that lead to loving knowledge? What is your attitude towards discipline/correction? Why do you think that is?
What is the principle behind verse 16? Can you think of a time when you quickly showed annoyance with another person? Is it easy or hard for you to overlook an insult? Why do you think that is?
April 6th – Proverbs 13
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
How does pride lead to quarrels with others? Give an example of when pride led to a quarrel in your life. How is heeding advice from others the opposite of pride?
What is the principle behind verse 24? How is failing to discipline one’s child similar to hatred towards that child? How is disciplining your child an expression of love toward them? Give an example of when you were the recipient of loving discipline.
April 7th – Proverbs 14
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
How is genuine fear of the Lord related to a desire to walk uprightly? How has your fear of the Lord, or lack thereof, influenced how you live? Why does verse 2 say that devious people despise the Lord?
Have you ever harbored ill feelings toward another person? What does verse 21 call that? What does kindness look like to the needy? Who can you show kindness to this week?
April 8th – Psalm 14
What does the Lord see when He looks down from heaven? What does this teach us about mankind? How was this true of you before you had a relationship with Christ?
What does the fool say in his heart about God? Why is this foolish and not just ignorant? Has there ever been a time in your life when you thought there was no God? When/why did you change your belief?
April 9th – Luke 19:28-44
What does Jesus ask two of his disciples to do? What has God asked you to do that seemed crazy and required faith to complete? How did you respond? What do you think this experience taught these two disciples about Jesus?
Why do you think Jesus went to such lengths to find a young donkey to ride? (see Matt 21:4-5) How might you have responded if you were the donkey’s owner? Is there anything that you own that you would not allow to be used for the Lord’s work? If so why not?
What different things did the people do to treat Jesus like a king in this passage? How do you treat Jesus like a king in your life? Are there other ways you could do this? Why do you think Jesus answered the Pharisees like he did when they asked him to quiet down his followers?
How do you think the disciples responded to Jesus telling him that the bread and wine represented his body and blood? (remember this is before the crucifixion) When we celebrate communion how do you “do this in remembrance of me?” what are you remembering?
How does Jesus describe true greatness? How does Jesus exemplify this kind of greatness? Which definition of greatness do you strive for, the worlds definition, or Jesus’ definition? How do you strive for it?
What do we learn about Jesus through his interaction with Peter here? How might we interact differently with someone who we knew would disown us? What is Jesus command to Peter when he turns back to him? Why is this significant?
April 11th – Luke 22:39-62
What was Jesus instruction to his disciples in both verse 40 and 46? What temptation do you think Jesus had in mind? Describe the anguish Jesus was praying through? What does this teach us about where we get our strength in difficult times?
How do you think Jesus felt to see this crowd led by Judas one of his disciples? Why did Jesus not want his disciples to fight? What does he mean when he tells the crowd this is your hour?
What do you think motivated Peter’s denials of Christ? What do you think it was like for Peter to see the Lord looking at him right after he denied hi the third time? How did Peter respond? How have you denied Christ with your words or actions? How did you respond?
April 12th – Luke 22:63-23:17
Why did the council of elders here ask Jesus if he was the Christ? Why do you think the elders would not answer Jesus if he asked them if they thought he was the Christ?
How did the Jewish leaders describe Jesus offense to Pilate? Why was Herod at first pleased to see Jesus? What made Herod change and begin to mock him? How do you respond when God does not do what you want him to do in a specific situation?
What was Pilate’s conclusion about Jesus? If Pilate found no fault in Jesus why do you think he planned to punish him and then release him? (v16)
April 13th Luke 23:18-31
What does it tell us about the crowd that they would rather have Barabbas, a murderer go free than Jesus? What was the motive behind the crowd’s cry for Jesus to be crucified?
What do you think it was like for Simon from Cyrene to carry Jesus’ cross? Why did Jesus tell the women not to mourn for him but for themselves and their children?
In verse 31 Jesus suggests an increase in wickedness in our world, what do we see in our world today that gives evidence of that? Do we mourn over this increase of wickedness all around us?
April 14th – Luke 23:32-49
What response in your heart does Jesus statement in verse 34 create? What motivated him to say such a thing? Can you imagine loving others causing you pain like this? What would it look like?
Describe the difference in the two criminals response to Jesus. What did Jesus see in the 2nd criminal’s heart that motivated his promise to him in verse 43?
What is the significance of the curtain in the temple being torn in two? How did the people watching this respond to seeing Jesus die? How do you respond to reading afresh the account of our Savior’s death?
April 15th Isaiah 53
How was the Messiah described physically in this passage? How was it said people would treat him when he came? How do we see this coming true in the New Testament?
What was predicted would happen to the Messiah because of our sins? What would that result in for us? What does this passage say about our sinfulness?
What other predictions does this text make about the suffering and death of the Messiah? How are these fulfilled in Jesus? What does this passage say about what will happen after the Messiah’s suffering and death?
April 16th Luke 23:50-
Why did Joseph of step forward to bury the body of Jesus? How hard do you think it was for him to do this knowing that his peers would likely mock and ridicule him for doing this? When have you served the Lord despite the threat of ridicule and scorn for doing so?
What do you think that women initially felt when they noticed that the stone was rolled away? And when they saw the body of Jesus gone? When they saw the angels?
What did the women do after finding our Jesus was raised? Why didn’t the disciples believe them? Why do you think Peter was so eager to get to the tomb? Who can you tell about the risen Lord Jesus today?
April 17th – Proverbs 15
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What are the good things that our words can accomplish if used wisely? What are the damaging results of using our words carelessly and foolishly? How do you use your words? What fruit are you seeing your words produce?
What is it about the fear of the Lord that helps us to have contentment even with little materially? How would you define what it means to fear the Lord? How content are you with what you have? Why?
April 18th – Proverbs 16
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What does it mean to be proud of heart in verse 5? Why do you think the Lord detests those who are proud of heart? What pride do you see in your own heart? What does verse 18 say follows pride?
What plans have you made in your heart for your life, what do you want to accomplish? Are you willing to let the Lord determine the direction of your life even if it is different than what you planned? What plans for your life would be the hardest to surrender to the Lord? Why?
April 19th – Proverbs 17
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What does it mean to cover over an offense in verse 9? How does doing this promote love in that relationship? What is the result of talking to others about the offense? Are there any offenses that you need to cover over and stop talking about?
Who has God placed in your life to be that friend who loves at all times? To whom are you a friend like that? Is there someone in your life going through adversity who you can walk alongside and encourage?
April 20th – Proverbs 18
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What do we learn about the fool in verse 2? In your communication how hard do you work to really listen and understand what others are saying? Why do you think the fool delights in airing his own opinions? Describe what good healthy communication should look like. (see also v13)
How is the name of the Lord like a strong tower? What are the righteous safe from when they run to the Lord? Think of a time when you ran to the Lord, and found safety in his presence and describe it?
April 21st – Proverbs 19
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What is the principle behind verse 3? What are some examples of folly that bring ruin on one’s life? Who does our heart want to blame when our life falls apart? Why do you think that is? Have you ever found yourself blaming God for the difficulty of your life?
What hope does disciplining your kids give you? How did/are you discipline/disciplining your kids? What was the result? Why does this verse compare not disciplining your kids to being a party to their death?
How does God describe the person who can dwell with him in his sanctuary?
Which of these descriptions describe you? How do you exemplify them? Which of these descriptions do not describe you? Why not?
What does it mean to lend your money without usury? Why do you think this is one of the descriptions of righteousness here? What does this tell us about a person’s heart?
April 23rd – Proverbs 20
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What do we learn about God from verses 10 and 23? How should these verses affect how we conduct our business in the community? Do you think those who have done business with you would describe you as honest and fair? Why? Or Why not?
What does gossip do according to verse 19? Have you ever trusted someone only to have them gossip about you? Describe your reaction? Have you ever been guilty of gossiping? What are we told to do with the person who talks too much? Don’t let this be you!
April 24th – Proverbs 21
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What is the principle behind verse 3? What “sacrifices” do we sometimes bring to God thinking he will accept us? How do we know what is right and just? Is there anything you know is right that you are not doing right now? Why are you not doing it?
What does it mean to put up a bold front in verse 29? How is this different from what the upright man does? Which best describes you? Why?
April 25th – Proverbs 22
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What instruction is given to parents in this chapter? How are/were you at following this instruction as a parent? What fruit have you seen in the lives of your children as a result?
What wisdom are we given in verse 26-27 concerning debt? What condition should we be able to meet if we are going to incur debt?
April 26th – Proverbs 23
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
Why does verse 17 tell us not to let our heart envy sinners? What is your heart prone to envy from sinful people? What does it look like to be zealous for the fear of the Lord?
What does this chapter say about wine/alcohol? How might it bite like a snake (v32)? What other effects of wine are mentioned? What wisdom should we take away from this about the role wine should play in your life?
April 27th – Proverbs 24
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What is the principle behind verse 29? Instead of revenge or vengeance, how should we respond when we are mistreated? (see also 1 Peter 3:8-9) Is there anyone you want to “get back” for how they have treated you? How would God want you to respond to them?
What lesson is learned from observing the sluggard? What would a sluggard look like in our world today? Does your work ethic bring honor to God? Is so how? If not why not?
April 28th – Proverbs 25
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
In what way is the rebuke of a wise man like a gold earring or ornament of gold to a listening ear? How does a “listening ear” receive the rebuke? How do you respond when you are rebuked? Why do you respond that way?
What is the principle behind verse 20? What does this teach us about how to minister to those who are struggling? What might be some examples of how to fruitfully minister to someone who is struggling?
April 29th – Psalm 16
When difficulty, adversity, discouragement, or hurt comes in your life how do you seek refuge? Where does David go? Why does he go to the Lord? (v2)
What does David mean when he says that he has set the Lord always before him? What does this practice lead to for David? (v. 8) How could you set the Lord always before you?
What is David praising God for in verse 11? David found joy in God’s presence, what brings joy to your heart about God? How do you express your worship of God outside of our church worship service?
April 30th – Proverbs 26
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
How do we understand the apparent contradiction in verses 4-5? How should we not answer a fool? How should we answer a fool?
What relationship does gossip have to quarrels?(v20) What does verse 22 teach us about gossip? Describe a time when gossip hurt you or your family? Have you been guilty of gossip lately? If so who do you need to apologize to?
May 1st – Proverbs 27
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What does verse 6 mean when it says that wounds from a friend can be trusted? What does this imply that true friends are willing to do? Do you have any friends like that? Are you a friend like that?
What is meant by verse 17? Give some examples of how someone else has sharpened you. Are you willing to be used by God to sharpen someone else? Why or why not?
May 2nd – Proverbs 28
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What does it mean to turn a deaf ear to the Law in verse 9? Are there any ways you have turned a deaf ear to God’s word, sections of it you are knowingly ignoring? What does this verse say about the prayer of a person who does this?
What are some ways that we tend to conceal our sins? What motivates us to do this? What does verse 13 say about those who conceal their sins? Do you have anyone who you confess your sins to? If not, why not? What does verse 13 say about those who confess and renounce their sins?
May 3rd – Proverbs 29
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
How does a fool respond to his anger according to verse 11? What does this look like? How is the wise man different in how he responds to his anger? Which one are you more like and why?
In what ways can the fear of man be a snare? In what areas of life are you susceptible to the fear of man? How does it affect how you live your life? How does trusting in the Lord defuse our fear of man?
May 4th – Proverbs 30
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
What are the two things that the author asks of the Lord? What reason does he give for asking for neither poverty nor riches? Whose glory is the author concerned about? How is your perspective of finances different? What two things would you ask of the Lord?
In verses 11-14 the author describes several different types of sinful people, which of these sins is an area you struggle with? Why are teeth described as swords, and jaws as knives? Describe a time when you used your words as weapons.
May 5th – Proverbs 31
Which of the proverbs in this chapter is the most meaningful to you? Why? Most challenging? Why?
Describe the wife of noble character in your own words. Verse 28 describes children and husband blessing and praising their mother/wife. How have you praised your mother, your wife? With Mother’s Day approaching look for concrete ways to honor and praise your mother/wife!
What type of women are praised by our culture? According to verse 30 what kind of woman is praised by God and ought to be praised by men? What does this type of woman look like? Ladies do you seek more charm and beauty or growth in the fear of God?
May 6th – Psalm 17
David prays in this Psalm confident that God would not find anything wrong in his heart. What would God find if he examined your heart today? Are there some things that you need to confess to him to prepare for worship on Sunday?
David prays with the certain expectation that God will answer him. Do you pray like that? Why or why not? What are you praying about that God has answered recently? What are you still waiting on him to answer?
Who do you think David is asking God to rescue him from? What adversaries might you ask God to rescue you (his church) from? How might these adversaries seek to destroy the church?
What was the calling that God graciously gave to Paul? (v5) How could God use you in our town to call others to the obedience of Faith? Is there someone you feel God has called you to share the Gospel with? When can you share with them about Christ?
What do you think it was about the faith of the Roman church that caused it to be reported all over the world? How is your faith displayed in your life? What would others say about your faith if they were telling others about it?
If we were ashamed of God’s Gospel, what evidence would there be in our lives? Are you ashamed of the Gospel? If so, why and in what way? If not, what keeps you from sharing it more often?
May 8th - Romans 1:18-32
Why are men without excuse according to verse 20? What does this mean, to be “without excuse”? How does this affect the urgency of missions?
What are some examples of the “fruit” of the sinful desires of our hearts and a depraved mind? What created things are we most likely to want to worship instead of God in our country? What idols entice your heart?
In what ways do we see our world not only doing wicked things but also approving of those who do them? Are there any things that God tells us are sins that you are tempted to continue to do, or to approve of those who do them? Where does this come from?
May 9th – Romans 2:1-16
As you look at your heart do you see stubbornness and unrepentance in any area of sin in your life? Why are you so unwilling to repent in this area of your life? What does verse 5 say this kind of stubbornness and unrepentance leads to?
What is promised in this passage for those who do evil? What is promised to those who do good? What does this suggest about how important it is to God that we live obedient lives motivated by our faith?
How does your heart react to a verse like verse 16? What are the secrets of your life that you think of when you read this verse? Does knowing that God knows them and will judge them motivate you to repent of those things? What does it mean to repent?
May 10th Romans 2:17-29
What is Paul seemingly accusing the Jews of in this passage? As you look at your own life where might you be guilty of the same thing?
What do you think people in the world, unbelievers, think about God from watching your life?
What does Paul mean by saying that a man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly? When he refers to circumcision of the heart, what is he referring to? What evidence is there in your heart that your claim to be a Christian is more than just outward?
May 11th Romans 3:1-20
Is God’s faithfulness dependent on our faithfulness? Explain your answer. Can you think of an example of how God has shown his faithfulness to you in your life!
Does God’s unconditional faithfulness give us license to sin? Why or why not? Have you ever found yourself thinking the phrase “let us do evil that good may result” found in verse 8? What is wrong with this way of thinking?
In your own words describe what verses 10-18 teach us about all mankind. Have you ever felt that God sees you as more righteous by observing the law (Word of God)? Given what Scripture says about that in this passage why are we so prone to think this way?
May 12th Romans 3:21-31
Describe the righteousness that Paul says has now been made known to us. How is faith related to this righteousness? To whom is this righteousness given?
What does it mean to be justified? What does our justification cost us? How is God able to justify us and remain just when we are so sinful?
Why does Paul say that there can be no boasting? Why are we so tempted to boast in our acts of righteousness? In light of this passage, what would be a more Biblical way to think about our acts of righteousness?
May 13th – Psalm 18
How does the Psalmist describe his God? When you pray what descriptions of God come to your mind? Which description of God from this Psalm is the most meaningful to you, and why?
Describe the emotions expressed by the Psalmist at his situation. Have you ever felt a similar way? How did God answer the Psalmist? How did God answer you?
Which provision of God in verses 32-36 means the most to you? What are some specific ways God has shown up and provided for you in your life? What enemies has the Lord helped you defeat?
May 14th – Romans 4
How did God respond to Abraham’s faith? How does Paul describe the difference between Abraham’s faith and works? (vs. 4)
What was the significance of Abraham’s faith coming before his circumcision? Describe how Abraham can be the father of both the uncircumcised believer and the circumcised follower of God?
How was Abraham’s faith affected by how long it took God to give him an heir? How is your faith in God affected when you have to wait on Him for a long time like Abraham did?
May 15th Romans 5:1-11
What does it mean to be justified? How are we justified according to verse 1? According to verse 9? What is the result of this justification?
Why does Paul say we rejoice in our sufferings? How is his perspective here on suffering different from our natural response to suffering? How has suffering produced perseverance, character and hope in your life?
How does God demonstrate his love for us? What did God require us to do or change before he expressed his love for us in this way? So in your own words describe how God sees you in light of this passage.
May 16th – Romans 5:12-21
What was the result of Adam’s sin for all mankind? How did this prepare mankind for the coming Savior?
What was the result of Jesus Christ’s life and death for those who would believe? What is the gift referred to in this passage?
Why was the law added? As our sin increases what else increases? What reasons do we have to worship God in light of this passage? Spend some time worshiping God for the truths of this passage.
May 17th – Romans 6:1-14
Why shouldn’t we just continue to sin more and more and rely on the great grace of God? What does it mean to die to sin? Is there a sin or sins in your life that you have not yet died to? If so, why not?
How is the reality of our conversion demonstrated through the imagery of baptism by immersion? What does it mean that our old self was crucified with him, meaning Jesus? What does Jesus’ resurrection promise for those of us who have died with Christ in this way?
What does it mean to count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus? In what ways might you be offering the parts of your body to sin as instruments of wickedness? How can you instead offer the parts of your body to God as instruments of righteousness?
May 18th – Romans 6:15-23
Have you ever been tempted to take advantage of God’s grace by thinking that you can sin because God will forgive you anyway? What does verse 16 say will be the result of living that way?
What does it mean that we have been set free from sin in verse 18? Does this mean that we are never going to sin again? What does this tell you about the sin in your life that is persistent and seemingly impossible to root out?
What “fruit” have you reaped from the sins you have committed? What was the hoped for result of those sins in your life before you knew Christ? What did they promise you? What is the “fruit” of being slaves to God?
May 19th Romans 7
Explain what Paul’s illustration from marriage teaches us about our relationship to the law and to God through Christ. For what purpose did we die to the law according to verse 4? What fruit are you bearing for God?
What sins have you been made aware of through reading the Scriptures that you did not know were sins before? How do you respond when God reveals those sins through his word?
Have you ever felt the same struggle that Paul describes in verses 15-24? What are the areas of sin and temptation where you have struggled like this? What does Paul say the solution to this struggle is?
May 20th – Psalm 19
How do the heavens declare the glory of God? What is meant by the statement that there is no language where their voice is not heard? What parts of God’s creation move you most toward worship of our creator?
How does David describe the word of God? Give some examples of when God’s Word has revived your soul, or given you joy. Are the words of God as precious to you as they are to David? How would you describe in your own words the value of God’s word for your life?
Use verses 12-14 as a prayer guide as you prepare your heart for worship.
May 21st – Romans 8:1-17
What does it mean that there is no longer any condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus? How is this possible since we are all sinful? Reflect on the amazing truth that a perfect and holy God sent his Son to take the condemnation of your sin, so that you would not have to bear it anymore!
What are some of the desires that the sinful nature seeks after? Are you chasing after any of these desires? How does Paul describe the sinful mind and how it relates to God? How does the person living by the Spirit differ from the sinful person?
How are those who live by the Sprit described? Who lives in us? What is our new relationship to God? In what sense are we heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ? How do we share in his sufferings? Reflect for a moment on the remarkable possibility of us being allowed to share in Christ’s glory, what might that be like?
May 22nd – Romans 8:18-27
What does Paul say that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us? How does this change our perspective on our trials?
What is the creation waiting for? What are we waiting for? How would you describe your hope as a believer to someone who does not know Christ?
How does the Holy Spirit help us according to this passage? What makes Him especially capable to do this? What affect does this knowledge produce in your heart? Why?
May 23rd – Romans 8:28-39
How might God be working out all things for your good today? What areas of your life is this the hardest to see? Why?
Describe a time in your life when you felt like someone was against you. What does it mean in verse 31 that God is for us? What encouragement can we take from this when we feel like others are against us?
What is able to separate us from the love of God in Christ? What does this tell you about the love God has for you?
May 24th – Romans 9:1-29
Describe Paul’s heart for the Jewish people? Who has God given you a heart to see come to faith in Christ? How can God use you to reach them with the Gospel?
Why did the line of blessing follow Jacob and not Esau? Why does this not make God unjust? What does not depend on man’s desire or effort but on God’s mercy?
For what purpose did God raise up Pharaoh? (see Ex 4-12) What was the result of Pharaoh’s hard heart? Can you think of other examples of hard-hearted people that God used to bring glory to himself? According to this passage are we all fully accountable for the condition of our heart before God?
May 25th Romans 9:30-10:15
What is the difference between seeking righteousness through faith, and seeking righteousness through works? How are you seeking righteousness, through faith or through works? Explain why you answered the way you did.
Paul describes the Israelites as zealous for God with a zeal that is not based on knowledge. What does he mean by this? Do you know anyone who is zealous in this way without knowledge of the true gospel? Pray for them right now that God would use you to share with them the knowledge they lack.
According to verses 13-15 what is required for people to be saved? What does he mean by the phrase “call on the name of the Lord”? Who in your life is God sending you to in order to preach the Gospel of Jesus? Will you go to them?
May 26th – Romans 10:16-11:10
Who is God referring to in verse 20? According to verse 21 how is Israel’s response to the message of the Gospel? Are there ways that you are disobedient and obstinate toward the Lord? If so, take some time to repent of those things.
How does the story of Elijah help answer the question about whether or not God has rejected Israel? Why is it important that God did not in fact reject Israel? What are the implications if he had?
Why is it important to emphasize that the remnant was chosen by grace and not earned by works?
May 27th Psalm 20
Describe a time when you were in distress and God heard and answered your prayer. What help came from God in those times?
What is being celebrated in the victorious moments? When you see success, and victory in your life, what do you celebrate, your accomplishments, or the goodness of God? What difference does it make?
What are we tempted to put our trust in rather than God? What happens to those who trust other things? (v8) what happens to those who trust in God? Are you trusting in God right now? Describe why you answered the way you did.
May 28th – Romans 11:11-24
What has resulted from Israel’s rejection of Jesus? Is God done with Israel, has he written them off? What will accompany Israel’s repentance and restoration with God?
What does it mean that we as gentiles have been “grafted in”? What attitude should we have toward Israel as grafted in branches? What attitude should we not have? Why?
How is God both kind and stern? What does Paul say may happen if Israel does not persist in unbelief? What does this teach us about God’s heart? What possible hope does this give us about those who have fallen away from the faith?
May 29th Romans 11:25-36
- What is happening as a result of Israel’s hardened hearts? What does “all Israel will be saved” mean in verse 26?
- How have you been a recipient of God’s mercy according to verse 30? What other ways does God show his mercy to you? To Israel? To all men?
- How is God described in verses 33-36? If you were to write down an expression of your worship of God for who he is and how he has been at work in your life what would you write? Who can you share that with?
May 30th Romans 12:1-8
- What is meant by “offer your bodies as living sacrifices”? Are you willing to do this? If so, in what ways do you do this, what does it look like? Where are you conforming to this world? How are you seeking the transformation of your mind?
- What does it mean to think of yourself more highly than you ought? How should we think of ourselves? How might you know if you think too highly of yourself?
- How is the church (those who are in Christ) like a body? Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? Are you using your gifts for God’s glory? If so, how? If not, why not?
May 31st – Romans 12:9-21
- Describe what it would look like to be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Describe what it would look like to honor one another above yourself. Does this describe the way you are living towards other believers? If so, give examples, if not, why not?
- Which of these do you struggle with the most, zeal, spiritual fervor, being joyful in hope, patient in affliction, or faithful in prayer? Why do you think this is such a struggle for you?
- Are you doing everything you can to live at peace with everyone in your life? Is there someone you need to forgive? Is there someone you need to apologize to? Do you have an active conflict with anyone right now? How would verse 21 apply to any of these situations?
June 1st – Romans 13
- What do we learn about how we as Christians should respond to governing authorities? What reason is given for why we should respond this way? How does this passage affect your attitude toward our government?
- What debt should remain always outstanding for us as believers? How does the command to love our neighbor as ourselves sum up the other commands listed here? Would others describe you as a loving person, why or why not?
- What is Paul referring to when he says that our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed? What should this motivate us to do? How do we clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ?
June 2nd – Romans 14
- What are some of the disputable matters that we are not to pass judgement on others about? Have you ever been guilty of looking down on another believer because of one of these matters?
- In the disputable matters what is the most important to the Lord? (vs 6-8) What is your heart motivation regarding the disputable matters in your life?
- Are you prone to pass judgement on others? Why do you think that is? What does it mean to put a stumbling block in your brother’s way? Are there any ways your actions have put a stumbling block in the way of your brothers or sisters? How can you avoid this in the future?
June 3rd – Psalm 21
- What is the primary attribute of God that the Psalmist is praising God for in this psalm? How have you seen God use this attribute in your life?
- The psalmist rejoices in God’s answering of his prayers. How has God answered prayers in your life? Spend some time worshipping God for these examples of his goodness.
- The king is described as unshaken because of his trust in the Lord. When has your trust in the Lord allowed you to go through trials and hardships unshaken?
June 4th Romans 15:1-13
- What does it mean to bear with the failings of the weak? How have you done this in the church? What is a way you can build up your neighbor this week?
- What is the purpose of Christian unity according to verses 5-6? How has God accepted us? How then are we to accept one another? Is this easy or hard for you? Why?
- How has God filled you with joy? With peace? With hope? Who can you tell about what God has done for you this week?
June 5th Romans 15:14-33
- As you look at your life and witness can you say like Paul does in verse 19 that you have fully proclaimed the Gospel of Christ among those you know? If so, describe how you have done that. If not, why not and how can you do that?
- Paul’s ambition was to preach the Gospel to unbelievers. What ambition has God placed on your heart? How are you living it out?
- How does Paul describe others praying for him in verse 30? Do you know anyone who is struggling today? Take a few minutes and join them in their struggle by praying for them.
June 6th – Romans 16
- Paul instructs the church in Rome to receive Phoebe in the Lord in a way worthy of the saints. What do you think he means by this? What do you think this would look like today?
- Paul describes how several people have been significant to him and the church. Who has been significant to you, influencing you toward Christ? Make the effort to tell them this week what they have meant to you.
- Who are we supposed to watch out for? How would we spot them? What are they serving instead of Christ?
June 7th – Genesis 1
- When God created plants and animals, he created them according to their kinds. What does this mean? At the end of each day God saw that what he created was good. What does he mean by this statement?
- What was different about God’s creation of man from his creation of everything else? What does it mean to be made in God’s image?
- What was the responsibility God gave to man from the beginning? How do we live this out the way God intended?
June 8th – Genesis 2
- How is the world described when God made man? Even before man is created what does the world need him for? Did work exist before sin then? How does this affect how we view our work?
- What two significant trees were planted in the center of the Garden of Eden? What command did God give to the man? What was the punishment for disobedience to his command?
- What does God mean by saying that it is not good for man to be alone? How was the creation of woman different from the creation of everything else? What is the reason verse 24 refers to?
June 9th Genesis 3
- What do the Serpent’s questions call into question about God? How does Satan use these same tactics in our lives?
- What did the woman see about the fruit that led her to give in to temptation? What was the immediate result of their eating of the fruit? How did they respond to God? How is this similar to us when we sin?
- What was the punishment for the Serpent? Woman? Man? Why was man kicked out of the Garden of Eden?
June 10th – Psalm 22
- Where else do we hear the words of verse 1 in the Scripture? (hint: quoted by Jesus) Have you ever felt like the psalmist here wondering where God is feeling like he has forsaken you? Describe what led to that feeling?
- What does the Psalmist remind himself about God even though he feels distant from God? What can you remind yourself about God when you feel distant from Him?
- Despite starting with the feeling of being distant from God where does the Psalmist end up at the end of the Psalm? What does this teach us about our emotions and how they are affected by what we reflect on? What can you worship God for today?
June 11th Genesis 4
- Why did God look with favor on Abel and his offering, but not on Cain and his offering? (hint: how are the offerings contrasted in verse 3-4)
- What do the questions God asks Cain reveal to us about Cain’s heart? How does “sin crouch at our door”? How do we master it?
- How did Cain’s anger manifest itself? What was his punishment? How did God still show him grace? What does this tell us about the heart of our God?
June 12th – Genesis 5
- What was unique about Enoch? What do you think this looked like for him at this early stage in history? What happened to him?
- What does it look like today to walk with God? Why did you answer this the way you did? Would God say of you that you walk with Him? If so how; if not, why not?
- What prediction did Lamech make about Noah when he was born? Did this come true, explain?
June 13th Genesis 6
- Use a study Bible or a Bible dictionary and find out who we think the Nephilim were. What option makes the most sense to you, why?
- How is mankind described in this passage? What was God’s response to what he saw in Mankind?
- How is Noah described in this passage? What do you think God would say about our world today? How would God describe you? Explain your answers.
June 14th Genesis 7
- Why do you think that God told Noah to take 7 of every clean animal? Does this contradict what is said in chapter 6? Why not?
- How do you think Noah felt about the command God gave him in verse 1-4? Has God ever given you a command that felt strange at the time? How did you respond to it, and what happened?
- When you read about God’s judgment in this story how do you react to it? In what way do we also see God’s grace in this story?
June 15th – Genesis 8
- What does it mean that God “remembered Noah”? What does God do in response to remembering Noah?
- What was Noah’s first response to getting out of the ark? What do you think motivated him to do this? What motivates you to do this?
- How did God respond to Noah’s worship? What does this tell us about the heart of God?
June 16th Genesis 9:1-17
- What did God give to Noah and his family for food that he had not given before? What were they not to eat? Why do you think that was?
- Why is man’s life seen as more valuable than the life of the animals? How does this principle govern the ways we treat our fellow man compared to how we treat animals?
- What covenant did God make with Noah and all living animals? What sign did God give that he would fulfill the covenant he made here? What does this tell us about our God?
June 17th – Psalm 23
- What is the most meaningful image for you from this well-known Psalm? Why is it so meaningful?
- What is the connection between acknowledging the Lord as our shepherd and our contentment? In what ways does the Lord function as our shepherd?
- In what ways will goodness and love follow us in our lives when the Lord is our Shepherd? What final hope do we have as followers of the Lord? Spend some time reflecting on ways that the Lord has shepherded you through your life and praise him for it.
June 18th – Genesis 9:18-10:32
- What was Ham’s sin? In what ways have we acted like Ham? What did his brothers do differently?
- What was Noah’s reaction to the actions of his sons? In what ways do we see Noah’s curse on Canaan come true? What about his blessing on Shem and Jepheth?
- What notorious cities were Ham’s descendants responsible for building?
June 19th – Genesis 11
- What was the sin of the people of Babel? What would it look like for us to commit that same sin today?
- What was God’s response to their sin? How does this help us understand the origin of different races and peoples all over the world?
- Where did Terah set out for? Why is this significant? Why did they not reach that place? How do we see God’s hand in this?
June 20th – Genesis 12:1-9
- What did God call Abram to do? Why would it require great faith for Abram to obey this command?
- What promises did God make to Abram? How have we seen the promise in verse 3 fulfilled?
- Describe a time when God asked you to do something that required great faith for you to obey; how did you respond? What happened?
June 21st – Genesis 12:10-20
- Why did Abram not tell Pharaoh that Sarai was his wife? What does this say about his faith in this instance?
- What did God do? Why was it so important to God to make sure Sarai was not defiled by Pharaoh?
- What types of situations tempt you to take matters into your own hands rather than trust God by faith?
June 22nd – Genesis 13
- How had God blessed Abram already in his life? What was the evidence of God’s blessing? How has God blessed you? What is the evidence in your life of God’s blessing?
- Why did Lot choose the land that he did? What do we learn about the people Lot ended up living among?
- While Lot thought the land he chose was better it ended up being a terrible choice because of what happens to him. Have you ever made a decision that looked like a good one but ended up being a mistake? What can we learn from this?
June 23rd – Genesis 14
- How was it possible for Abram to defeat Kedorlaomer and the kings allied with him with only 318 men? What does this teach Abram about what is possible when relying on God?
- Use a study Bible or Bible dictionary to look up who we think Melchizedek was, what explanation seems to make the most sense?
- Why would Abram not accept stuff from the king of Sodom? What promises have you made to the Lord? How are you doing in keeping them? Would you be able to turn down great wealth if it violated a promise you had made to God? Why or why not?
June 24th – Psalm 24
- How does the psalmist describe the person who can approach God? What is promised to this person? Does this describe you? If not, why not?
- How is God described in this Psalm? What attributes of God do you appreciate the most?
- How do you prepare your heart for worship?
June 25th – Genesis 15
- How does God introduce himself to Abram in verse 1? In what ways is God a shield? In what ways is God a very Great reward?
- What does God promise Abram? What sign did God give him that he would make good on his promise?
- What does God mean in verse 16 that the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure? What does this tell us about the reason God condoned the slaughter of the peoples in Canaan as Israel entered the Promised Land many years later?
June 26th – Genesis 16
- Why did Sarai give her maidservant to Abram as a wife? Have there been times in your life where you have failed to wait for God to work and took matters into your own hands? What happened?
- What did God tell Hagar to do? Why would this be a hard thing to do? What are some hard things that God has asked you to do? How did you respond?
- What did God promise Hagar? How was Ishmael described? How do we see this fulfilled? What does Hagar learn about God through this event?
June 27th – Genesis 17
- Why did God change Abram’s name? (hint: what does his name mean?) How does God describe the covenant he is making with Abraham?
- What was Abraham’s responsibility in the covenant? What was the significance of circumcision?
- What did God promise to do through Sarah? What seemingly impossible things has God promised to you and me as believers? What does this story teach us about God?
June 28th – Genesis 18
- Who were the three visitors who visited Abraham? What did Sarah’s laughter say about her faith? Think of a time when your faith was stretched and you struggled to believe and trust God, describe it?
- According to verse 19 what did God choose Abraham to do? What would that look like for Abraham? What does it look like for us to do the same?
- Why does Abraham intercede for the people in Sodom and Gomorrah? What can we learn from how Abraham intercedes here? Who are you pleading for with God?
June 29th – Genesis 19
- What example are we given here of the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah? What led to God’s decision to destroy the cities? (v13)
- Why did God spare Lot and his family? Why was Lot’s wife turned into a pillar of salt? How careful are you to obey everything God commands?
- Knowing the origin of the Moabites from this story, why do the Israelites look on them with disgust?
June 30th – Genesis 20
- What motivated Abraham to tell Abimelech that Sarah was his sister? Had he done this before? When?
- Is there a sin or sins that you are prone to and you continue to repeat in your life? What are they? Spend some time confessing those sins to God and asking for strength to overcome them.
- How do we see God’s grace and mercy in this chapter? Praise the Lord for the ways he has shown you his grace and mercy!
July 1st - Psalm 25
- What does the Psalmist ask of God? Use those requests to guide a time of prayer for you.
- Have you ever felt like the Psalmist does in verses 16-18? How did you interact with God in those times? What can we learn from how the Psalmist prays in the midst of those feelings?
- How many times does the Psalmist mention his sins? What does he say about them? How do you address your sins when you are talking to God?
July 2nd – Genesis 21
- How did Sarah feel when she finally had a child? Can you think of a time when you waited on the Lord and finally saw him work in a dramatic way? How did you respond?
- In what ways did God work in the life of Ishmael? What do we learn about the heart of God from verse 17?
- What did Abimelech recognize as unique about Abraham? What do you think led him to this conclusion? What might this look like today?
July 3rd – Genesis 22
- Why did God tell Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac? When do you think Abraham understood this? How quickly did Abraham respond to God’s command?
- According to the Angel of the Lord what motivated Abraham to be willing to sacrifice his only son? What motivates your obedience to God?
- How would you have responded in Abraham’s situation? Is there anything that God is asking you to sacrifice for him? Is there anything you would not be willing to sacrifice if God asked you to? If so, what?
July 4th – Genesis 23
- What was Abraham’s reputation among the Hittites? What do you think earned him this reputation?
- What is your reputation among the unbelievers in our community? How have you earned this reputation?
- How did Abraham show respect to the Hittites in negotiating the purchase of the field and cave to bury Sarah? What would it look like to show that same kind of respect to the people we do business with today?
July 5th Genesis 24
- Why was Abraham so insistent that his servant find a wife from his own family and not from among the Canaanites? Why did he not want Isaac to go back to the country he came from?
- What was the servant’s response when God answered his prayer? What prayers of yours has God answered lately? How did you respond? Spend some time worshipping God for the way he has answered your prayers.
- Why did Rebekah’s family respond the way they did in verses 50-51? How would you respond in a similar situation? Why?
July 6th – Genesis 25
- What struggle did Rebekah and Isaac have that Abraham and Sarah also had? How did Isaac deal with it? What did God do?
- What role does prayer and faith in God play in your life when you face difficult circumstances? What about when circumstances are good?
- What do we learn about Jacob in this passage? What do we learn about Esau? What does it mean that Esau despised his birthright? What was his birthright?
July 7th - Genesis 26
- Why did Isaac lie about his wife? Who else in his family had done the same thing? Are there sins and bad behaviors that you have picked up from your parents? If so repent of those things.
- How did God show his blessing to Isaac? How does God show his blessing to us today? List the ways you have seen God’s blessing in your life.
- How did Isaac worship God after He appeared to him? How do you worship God outside of Sunday morning? What does it mean here that he called on the name of the Lord?
July 8th – Psalm 26
Can you pray the things that David prays in verses 1-2? When might your life not have been blameless? When might your trust in the Lord have wavered? Celebrate the grace of God as you confess those things to Him.
What would it look like for you to proclaim aloud the praise of God? Who could you tell of all God’s wonderful deeds today?
Even being a righteous man David asked God for redemption and mercy. (v11) When was the last time you asked God for these things, and praised him for them?
July 9th Genesis 27
- How does the deception of Rebekah and Jacob lead to the fulfillment of God’s plan for Jacob and Esau? (see 25:23)
- What does this teach us about God’s sovereignty?
- What does this story teach us about God when we know that God uses Jacob mightily as the Father of the 12 tribes of Israel?
July 10th – Genesis 28
- What does God communicate to Jacob in his dream? Why do you think it included a vision of angels ascending and descending on a stairway?
- Why was Jacob afraid? What did Jacob do in response to the dream? How do you respond when God speaks to you?
- Have you ever made a vow to God? If so, what was it? Have you fulfilled that vow? Why or why not?
July 11th – Genesis 29
- What did Jacob request as payment for working for Laban his uncle? How does the Scripture describe his love for Rachel?
- How would you describe your love for your spouse (if married)? How do you show that love in actions?
- What did the Lord see concerning Leah? What does this teach us about our God? What was different about Leah’s response to her 4th son’s birth compared to the 3 previous?
July 12th – Genesis 30
- How did each of Jacob’s wives view the births of their sons? What does it mean that God remembered Rachel? Can you think of a time when God “remembered” you?
- Why did Laban not want Jacob to leave? What agreement did they come to so that Jacob stayed?
- In what ways did Laban demonstrate lack of trust in Jacob? How did Jacob fare in this new arrangement for payment from Laban?
July 13th - Genesis 31
- How did Laban treat Jacob unfairly? How did God protect him? Have you ever been treated unfairly?
- How did Jacob deceive Laban? When had he been deceptive before? Is there a particular sin that you are prone to repeat? What is it? How can you avoid repeating this sin again?
- How did God protect Jacob from Laban? According to Jacob why did Laban not send Jacob away empty handed? How does the fear of God impact how you live and treat others?
July 14th – Genesis 32
- When Jacob is afraid of his brother where does he turn for help? When you are afraid, intimidated, or facing a conflict where do you turn for help?
- Why do you think Jacob sent all his family and possessions across the river and stayed behind by himself? When was the last time you had some solitude away from stuff and people? Is this hard for you? Why/why not?
- Who was it that Jacob was wrestling with? What did Jacob desire from the man? When was the last time you wrestled with God in prayer?
July 15th – Psalm 27
- What are you afraid of? Who are you afraid of? According to the psalmist here why is he not afraid? How might this help us when we are fearful?
- What is the one thing that the Psalmist desires from the Lord? What effect would a desire like this have on your life? Do you share this desire? Explain why or why not?
- How have you seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living? What does it look like to wait for the Lord?
July 16th – Genesis 33
- How did Esau receive his brother Jacob? Why does Jacob refer to Esau as his lord? How do we demonstrate respect to people when we talk to them in our culture?
- When Jacob arrived near the city of Shechem what were the first things that he did? What does this tell us about what was most important to him?
- If you were to move to a new place, what would be the first few things that you would do? What does this reveal as to what is most important to you?
July 17th – Genesis 34
- What reaction did Dinah’s brothers have to the news of the mistreatment of their sister? (v 7) How do you react to examples of injustice and mistreatment of others?
- What did Simeon and Levi do in retaliation for the sin against their sister? How did they justify such a response? Think of a time when you have reacted rashly to an offense. How did you rationalize your actions?
- How can we stand up for those who are mistreated in our world, and defend them without sinning ourselves?
July 18th – Genesis 35
- What did Jacob ask his household to do in preparation for worship? Why did he tell them to do this? How do you prepare to approach God in worship?
- When God appeared to Jacob what did he say to Him? How did God identify himself? (v11) What did Jacob do in response? Why do you think he did this?
- Can you think of special times and places where God has spoken to you? Spend some time praising God for how he has spoken to you.
July 19th – Genesis 36-37:11
- In what ways did God bless Esau even though his line was not the line of promise? What ways have you seen God’s blessing in your life?
- Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him? What does this teach us about the dangers of showing favoritism especially within the family?
- Why did Joseph’s dreams upset his family? Knowing the end of the story how might these dreams have prepared Joseph for what was coming?
July 20th Genesis 37:12-36
- Why did Joseph’s brothers want to kill him? Has your dislike or hatred of someone ever made you want to harm them? How do we navigate feelings like this in a way that honors God?
- How does Rueben go against his other brothers? Why does he do this? Is it easy or hard for you to go against the popular opinion to do the right thing? Why?
- How does Jacob respond to the news that his son Joseph is gone? What does it mean that he refused to be comforted? Can you relate to how Jacob was feeling here? How so?
July 21st – Genesis 38
- Why does Judah give his son Onan such a strange sounding command? (see Dt 25:5-6) What does this tell us about the importance of preserving a man’s family line in the ancient world?
- Why does Judah not give Tamar to his son Shelah as a wife according to the law of Moses? When have you ever not done what is right because of fear? What happened?
- How does Judah behave like a hypocrite in this passage? Are there any areas of your life where you struggle with hypocrisy like this?
July 22nd Psalm 28
- What words does David use to describe who God is to him in this Psalm? Which of those is most meaningful to you and why?
- How are the wicked described in this psalm? Does any of this describe you? If so repent of those things.
- What is David’s response to his God? How has trusting in God changed the way you live? How often and in what way do you return praise to God for what he means to you?
July 23rd – Genesis 39
- Even as a slave how did God bless Joseph? How did God bless Potiphar through Joseph? What might we see today as evidence of God’s blessing on our lives or the lives of others around us?
- What significant temptation did Joseph encounter? How did he respond? How do you respond to temptation when no one is around, and no one would know?
- What unfair thing happened to Joseph? How do you think he felt being unjustly accused? How did God bless Joseph even in prison?
July 24th – Genesis 40
- What evidence do we see in this chapter of God’s sovereignty? How have you seen God’s sovereignty in your life? How does knowing God is sovereign help in confusing and difficult times?
- How was Joseph able to interpret the dreams of the Cupbearer and Baker? What can we infer about Joseph’s faith even while in prison?
- How do you think Joseph felt when the cupbearer did not remember him? What happens to your faith when difficulty comes?
July 25th – Genesis 41
- What does Joseph’s response to Pharaoh tell us about him? Who did Joseph desire would receive all the glory for what he did and said? Do you live this way? Why or why not?
- How does God show his grace and mercy to Pharaoh and Egypt? Can you think of ways that God graciously prepared you for things that happened later in your life?
- What role did God have in mind for Joseph after such a difficult season? How did God use him in Egypt? What might God be preparing you for? How might he use you in a significant way for his glory?
July 26th – Genesis 42
- Why did Joseph deal so harshly with his brothers when they came to buy grain? Since he knew they were telling the truth, what do you think he was really testing them to find out?
- What do we learn about his brothers by their discussion among themselves about why this was happening to them? What do you think Joseph was feeling when he wept in verse 24?
- Why do you think Joseph ordered that each man’s silver be put back into their sacks? Why were Jacob and his sons afraid when they found this? How can we see God’s gracious provision in this story? What are some surprising ways that God has provided for you?
July 27th – Genesis 43
- What had changed in the heart of Judah from the time he was willing to sell his brother Joseph as a slave? What are some ways that God has changed your heart over the years?
- Why did the brothers take gifts from the land with them to Egypt this time? Are there ways that you have tried to win over others with gifts or kindness? How did it go?
- How did the brothers demonstrate honesty regarding the money they found in their sacks? Who did the steward give the credit to?
July 28th – Genesis 44
- What was Joseph trying to find out about his brothers by putting his cup in Benjamin’s sack? How did Joseph’s brothers react when the cup was discovered?
- How did Joseph’s brothers demonstrate a change of heart? Who was Judah concerned about most? What did he request as a solution that was radical?
- Have you ever made a dramatic pledge or promise that would be hard to fulfill? Did you, like Judah, make good on your promise? What did it cost you? Was it hard to fulfill?
July 29th - Psalm 29
- How do we worship God in the splendor of his holiness? How do you treat God as holy as you interact with Him? How could you grow in this?
- How is the voice of the Lord described here? What do these descriptions teach us about our God?
- How would you describe God to someone who has never heard about Him? How would you describe his voice? Spend some time worshipping God for how he has revealed himself to you.
July 30th – Genesis 45
- When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers why was he not angry and bitter toward them? How did Joseph see God’s hand in all of the suffering that he had to endure?
- Have you ever recognized God’s hand on the other side of a season of great difficulty and suffering? How did God work? How did it change your perspective on the suffering?
- What does this story teach us about God’s ability to work through even the sinful actions and decisions of people in our lives? Think about the ways you have been mistreated, the ways you have or are suffering and ask yourself how might God use this for his glory and the fulfillment of his plan.
July 31st – Genesis 46-47:12
- Why do you think Israel was afraid to go down to Egypt? What does God promise Israel when He speaks to him?
- What did Jacob do when he met Pharaoh? What do you think this looked like? How did God bless Jacob through Egypt?
- What are some unlikely ways God has blessed you in your life?
August 1st – Genesis 47:13-31
- How did God bless Pharaoh through the famine?
- What happened to all the people of the land during the famine? How did Israel and his family fare differently? What made the difference? (see 46:3)
- What are some of the ways God has sustained you through difficult times? How did He do it? What did you learn about God through it?
August 2nd – Genesis 48
- What was the significance of Israel reckoning Joseph’s two sons as his own? What influence did this have on their inheritance?
- What does Jacob affirm about God in his blessing of Manasseh and Ephraim? How would you describe the role God has played in your life? How has He been like a shepherd to you?
- What does Israel predict about Ephraim and Manasseh through the way he blesses them? Why do you think he does this? How does Joseph react?
August 3rd – Genesis 49
- What sin does Israel refer to in his blessing of Reuben? In his blessing of Simeon and Levi? Have you seen how sins you commit have had consequences for many years? If so, how?
- In what ways was Judah to be like a lion? What is the ultimate fulfillment of Jacob’s prediction about the scepter belonging to Judah?
- In Israel’s blessing of Joseph how is Joseph described as responding when he is attacked? What is this attributed to? How do you respond when you are attacked? How does God help you in these situations?
August 4th – Genesis 50
- What does it tell us about Joseph and his reputation among the Egyptians that so many of them went with him to bury his father? What is your reputation among the non-believers in your life? How did you earn that reputation?
- What were Joseph’s brothers afraid of after their father died? What did they do as a result? Have you ever been afraid of how someone you sinned against would respond to you? How did you handle it?
- What was Joseph’s perspective on his brother’s actions against him? What does this tell us about his understanding of God? Would/Could you respond like him? Why or why not?
August 5th – Psalm 30
- Describe how God has lifted you out of the depths. What sins has he rescued you from? What situations has he lifted you out of?
- What does verse 5 teach us about God? What is your heart’s response to this teaching about God?
- What was the Psalmist’s response to God’s answering his cry for mercy? Take some time and just simply praise God for all that he has done for you and for how it has made a difference in your life.
August 6th – 1 Peter 1:1-12
- What has God given to us in his mercy? How does He give us these things? How is our spiritual inheritance described here?
- What can we rejoice in even while we go through grief and trials? What is the purpose of trials? How does this change your perspective on trials and hard times?
- How does Peter describe the believer even though they do not physically see Christ? Does this describe you? Where should our joy come from?
August 7th 1 Peter 1:13-25
- What are the evil desires that we should not conform to? What are we called to instead? What does this look like?
- What does it mean that we are to live our lives as strangers? What does it look like to live in reverent fear? How do these commands challenge how you are living right now?
- How are we to treat our brothers? What does this look like? What do we learn about the Word of God in this passage?
August 8th – 1 Peter 2:1-12
- What are we to rid ourselves of? Do you struggle with any of these things? If so, what? What does it mean to crave pure spiritual milk? What is your appetite for spiritual food?
- What are we being built into? What are the spiritual sacrifices we offer to God through Christ? How does Christ make some stumble and fall?
- How do the sinful desires we are to abstain from war against our souls? How are we supposed to live before a watching world? What does this look like? What effect should it have on them?
August 9th 1 Peter 2:13-25
- How are we commanded to relate to earthly authorities? What does this look like in a world like ours today?
- Which of the commands do you struggle with the most in verse 17? Give some examples of how to show respect to others, love the church, fear God, and honor the king?
- What type of suffering is commended by God? What does it mean that we are called to this type of suffering? How did Jesus model this for us as an example?
August 10th 1 Peter 3:1-7
- What does the submissiveness that wives are commanded to have toward their husbands look like? What is the hoped for effect on their unbelieving husbands? How did Sarah live this out?
- What type of beauty are women told to seek primarily? Ladies in what ways are you seeking this type of beauty in your life? Does this mean that you should not braid your hair, or wear jewelry, or fine clothes?
- Husbands how are you commanded to treat your wives? What reason is given for this? Guys how are you obeying this in your marriage?
August 11th 1 Peter 3:8-22
- How are we to live with each other as believers? What does it look like to repay evil with blessing? Is this hard for you? If so, why?
- Whose prayer is the Lord attentive to? How does this relate to James 5:16? Who is the Lord against? Is the Lord attentive to your prayers, or is he against you? Why?
- What is meant by verse 17? How have you suffered for doing good? How do we explain the difficult passage in verse 19-20?
August 12th – Psalm 31
- What is the Psalmist feeling in verses 9-10? Have you ever felt this way? What did your prayers sound like during those times?
- What attributes of God does the Psalmist mention in this Psalm? What attributes of God do you appreciate the most today? Praise him for them!
- Who does the Lord preserve? How does He respond to the proud? What does this mean?
August 13th 1 Peter 4:1-11
- What attitude are we to arm ourselves with? Why should we do this? What does this look like to apply to our lives?
- How do unbelievers view Christians living as we should? Have you ever experienced this? If so, how?
- Because the end is near how should we live? What should we do with the gifts God has given us? How are you using the gifts God has given you?
August 14th – 1 Peter 4:12-19
- What is implied by the command not to be surprised by our painful trials? When we are surprised by painful trials in our lives what are we assuming? What then should we expect as normal?
- Describe a time when you were insulted because of the name of Christ. What does verse 14 say about those who endure this? What should be our response when we suffer for being a Christian?
- Why is it hard to have this perspective on suffering? What should those who suffer according to God’s will do according to verse 19?
August 15th – 1 Peter 5
- What is the charge given to elders in this passage? What are they not told not to be/do?
- What are we to clothe ourselves with? What reason is given for this? Who lifts up the humble? What do you think this looks like, how might God lift them up?
- Why are we to be self-controlled and alert? How are we supposed to resist the Devil? What promise is given in verse 10? How does this give us hope?
August 16th – Jonah 1
- How does Jonah respond to the command of God? When have you ever responded to God like this? How did you run away? What happened?
- How does God respond to Jonah’s attempt to run away from Him? What does this teach us about our God? How has God pursued you when you have run from Him?
- In what ways does Jonah demonstrate how hard his heart had become? What is the result of all this in the hearts and lives of the sailors? How does God show grace to Jonah?
August 17th – Jonah 2
- What does Jonah say that God has done in his prayer (4 things)? What has Jonah learned/re-learned about God? What does this teach us about God?
- What did it take for Jonah to remember God? Why do we wait so long sometimes to make the decision to call out to God? Can you remember a time when you hit bottom before you called out to God? Describe it.
- What does Jonah do and promise to do? Is there any way that you are running away from God’s commands in your life today? If so, what is preventing you from renewing your commitment to God today?
August 18th – Jonah 3
- Have you ever felt not worthy of being used by God in a significant way because of past failures? What does this chapter teach us about our God that he was still willing to use Jonah to deliver his message despite his recent blatant disobedience?
- How did the Ninevites respond to Jonah’s message? When you are confronted with your sin how do you respond? Why do you respond that way?
- How does God respond to the Ninevites? How has God shown you compassion and grace when you repented and asked for his mercy? Praise him for this!
August 19th – Psalm 32
- How does the Psalmist describe the person who has been forgiven? Praise the Lord for the sins of yours that he has forgiven.
- How does the Psalmist describe himself before he confessed his sins to the Lord? Can you relate to this description? Are there any sins that you need to confess before the Lord today?
- In what way are we not to be like the horse or mule? In what ways are you like the horse and mule? Is there anything that prevents you from going to the Lord?
August 20th – Jonah 4
- How does Jonah react to God’s compassionate mercy shown to Nineveh? Has there ever been anyone who you did not want God to be merciful to? What do you think is behind this perspective?
- What object lesson does God provide for Jonah? What is it that God tries to teach him with it?
- What fruit does Jonah’s anger produce in his heart? Looking in your own heart describe your struggle with anger and what fruit it produces in your heart.
Aug 21st – Habakkuk 1:1-11
- How would you reword Habakkuk’s complaint in your own words? Have you ever felt like Habakkuk does here? If so explain.
- How does God describe the Babylonians? How does God expect Habakkuk to react to his answer and plan? How might we react to God telling us something similar?
- What do we learn about God from his answer to Habakkuk here? When has God worked in a surprising and unexpected way in your life?
Aug 22nd – Habakkuk 1:12-2:1
- How would you put Habakkuk’s second complaint in your own words? Have you ever felt like Habakkuk does here? If so explain.
- What does Habakkuk do after voicing his complaint to God this second time? How often do we intentionally wait for God’s answer to the concerns and questions we present before him? What does this look like?
- What attributes of God does Habakkuk refer to in his complaint? What does Habakkuk mean when he says God has made men like the sea creatures?
Aug 23rd – Habakkuk 2:2-20
- What does God say about the revelation that he is about to give? What perspective might this give us about the things God promises us in His Word.
- List the things that the Lord speaks against in his answer. Who is guilty of them?
- How does God describe idols here? What do idols look like for us in our world today? How is God different from idols?
Aug 24th Habakkuk 3
- What has God done that makes you stand in awe of Him? How do you express your awe to God?
- How does Habakkuk respond to God’s promise of Judgment? What comes into your mind when you think about God’s judgment?
- What had Habakkuk learned about God through his conversation with Him? Why can Habakkuk rejoice when nothing seems to be going well? What can we learn from this?
Aug 25th – Phil 1:1-11
- What is the good work that God has started in us? What does it mean that He will carry it on to completion? What hope does this give us?
- What does Paul pray for the Philippians? Who can you pray for using this prayer as a guide?
- How do you pray for those closest to you? Could you say that you have the affection of Christ Jesus toward them? What does that look like?
Aug 26th – Psalm 33
- How does the Psalmist call us to worship the Lord? How do you most often worship God? What helps you to worship the Lord?
- What does the Psalmist teach us about who the Lord is watching? What does this mean? What does this teach us about our God?
- Describe a time when you waited in hope for the Lord. What happened? Praise God for what he has done!
Aug 27th – Phil 1:12-30
- What had happened to Paul that he is referring to in this passage? How did this serve to advance the Gospel?
- Have you ever struggled with courage to share Christ? Ever felt ashamed of Christ or the Gospel? What might this look like in your life?
- What is Paul torn between? Have you ever felt this way? What does it look like to conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the Gospel?
Aug 28th – Phil 2:1-11
- What would make Paul’s joy complete? What does this look like in the life of a church? Would this describe our church, why or why not?
- What negative command does Paul give? What positive commands does he give? Describe in your own words what it would look like to obey the commands given here. Which one is the hardest for you and why?
- How does Paul describe the attitude of Christ Jesus? What would it look like for you to have that same attitude?
Aug 29th – Phil 2:12-30
- What does it mean to work out your salvation with fear and trembling? How does God work in us according to verse 13? In what ways has God changed your will during the time you have been a follower of His?
- How are you at obeying verse 14? What makes you complain normally? What causes you to argue? What is the result of our obedience to this command?
- How does Paul describe Timothy and Epaphroditus? What do they mean to him? What do they mean to the church in Philippi? Who are the important people God is using in your life right now like Timothy and Epaphroditus?
Aug 30th – Phil 3:1-11
- What does Paul mean when he says that we put no confidence in the flesh? What reasons does Paul give that he could put confidence in the flesh? Why does he share this?
- Describe what Paul is saying in verse 7 in your own words. What does Paul see as of supreme importance and value? How does he describe everything else? Can you say the same thing? Why or why not?
- What does it mean to desire the fellowship of sharing in Christ’s sufferings? How do we become like Christ in His death? Do you share these desires with Paul?
Aug 31st – Phil 3:12-4:1
- What is it that Paul says he has not yet taken hold of but is pressing on toward? Why is it important like Paul to forget what is behind and strain for what is ahead? What do you need to forget so that you can better strive toward this goal?
- What do you think this striving looks like? How are you striving? What could help you in your desire to press on and grow toward the goal in Christ?
- What does it mean that our citizenship is in heaven? What promise is given here concerning what our savior will do? What hope does this give us? How does this hope motivate us to press on in the faith?
Sept 1st – Phil 4:2-23
- What are we supposed to do instead of getting anxious? How does this help us not be anxious? What is promised instead of anxiousness? How have you seen this work in your life?
- What types of things are we to think about? As you evaluate your own thought life what things do you think about that don’t meet these criteria? What can you think of instead?
- How content is your heart with your life and what you have? Where are you discontent? What leads to that? What did Paul think was possible through the strength Christ provides? Do you live like you believe this too?
Sept 2nd – Psalm 34
- Why does it say about God that those who look to Him never have their faces covered with shame? What does the Psalmist say about the angel of the Lord? What does this teach us about God?
- What are some ways that you have tasted and seen that God is good? What promises in this Psalm are most precious to you? Why?
- What does the Psalmist say we should do if we desire to see many good days? Who is the Lord attentive to? Who is he against? Who is the Lord close to? Who does he save? What does this tell us about the heart of our Lord?
Sept 3rd – Ruth 1
- Why did Elimelech and his wife Naomi go to Moab? What happened there? Why did Naomi decide to return to Judah? Why did Naomi tell her daughter in laws not to come with her?
- What does Ruth’s response to Naomi tell us about her? Have you ever had someone show you such personal loyalty and commitment? To whom have you shown this kind of loyalty?
- How was Naomi feeling when she arrived back in Judah? What was her attitude toward God at this point? Have you ever felt this way? If so, describe it.
Sept 4th – Ruth 2
- How do you see God’s sovereignty on display in this chapter? How have you seen God’s sovereignty on display in your life recently?
- What reason does Boaz give for treating Ruth with such favor? How does he show kindness to her?
- How does Naomi interpret the kindness of Boaz? What is a kinsman redeemer? How have you seen the compassion and kindness of God through the actions of others in your life?
Sept 5th – Ruth 3
- What essentially is the meaning of what Naomi is asking Ruth to do? (see also Eze 16:8) Why is she asking her to do it?
- How does Boaz respond to Ruth’s actions? How does Boaz interpret these actions as great kindness? What was Ruth’s reputation? How did she earn that reputation?
- What was it that made Ruth attractive to Boaz? What are you known for, what is your reputation in the church? In the community? Are you satisfied with that? Why or why not?
Sept 6th – Ruth 4
- Why did the first guy decide not to function as the kinsman redeemer and redeem Elimelech’s land? Describe a time in your life when you decided not to do something for someone else because of how it might affect your life in some way.
- What do we learn about Boaz from what he does in this story? Who is Boaz thinking about as he does these things? What do the elders ask the Lord for Boaz and Ruth?
- What is the ultimate result of this marriage? What was Naomi reminded of at the end of this story? Have there ever been seasons of your life that were so hard that at the end you needed to be reminded of the same thing? Describe those times.
Sept 7th – 2 John
- What command does the author say we have had from the beginning? How does he then define love? In what ways do you struggle to love others? In what ways do you excel?
- What are those who deny that Jesus came in the flesh called in this passage? What conclusion is made concerning the one who does not continue in the teaching of Christ? What conclusion for the one who does continue?
- What warning is given regarding people who teach something else? What does it mean “take him into your house” or “welcome” him? What does it look like to apply this warning in our lives today?
Sept 8th -3 John
- What gives the author great joy? As you look at what God is doing in your life and the life of your family what gives you great joy?
- What do you think Gaius is doing for the believers he does not even know? What does it mean to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God? Why ought we show hospitality according to verse 8?
- In what ways are you tempted to imitate what is evil? What makes you want to imitate it? In what ways are you committed to imitate what is good? Who are some people you look up to as good examples of good to imitate? Why?
Sept 9th – Psalm 35
- Where does the Psalmist look when he is opposed/mistreated by others? How do you respond when others mistreat or oppose you? Why do you respond that way?
- What does the Psalmist ask God to do to those who oppose him and mistreat him? When is it ok to ask God for things like this? When is it not ok to ask for things like this?
- How did the Psalmist respond when the people around him suffered? How did those people respond when the Palmist stumbled? Can you relate to his experience? If so, how?
Sept 10th – Jude
- How are the false teachers described in this passage? What does it mean to change the grace of God into a license for immorality? Have you ever used God’s grace to excuse your sin?
- Who is given as examples of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire? How are they described? What does it mean to slander celestial beings?
- What did the apostles foretell about the last days? What might it look like to follow mere natural instincts and not have the Spirit? What commands are we given in light of these warnings?
Sept 11th – Ecclesiastes 1
- What does Solomon observe in nature? What purpose do we find for our lives through the observation of our world? According to Solomon then can Science alone reveal to us a purpose and meaning for our lives? Why, why not?
- What do we know about Solomon regarding wisdom? (see 1 Kings 3) After applying his great wisdom to his study of all things what conclusion does Solomon come to? According to Solomon can we find the purpose and meaning of our lives through wisdom?
- In what ways did you seek to find meaning for your life before coming to faith in Christ? Describe your experience.
Sept 12th Ecclesiastes 2:1-11
- What does it mean that Solomon tried to test his heart with pleasure? What pleasures did Solomon try? What does he find, what conclusions does he make?
- Have you ever tried to find your satisfaction and fulfillment through pursuing pleasures? What pleasures did you pursue? What pleasures does our world tell us to pursue o be happy?
- In verses 4-9 what does Solomon try to find satisfaction in? Have you ever thought if only I had __________, I would be happy and content? What did you find?
Sept 13th Ecclesiastes 2:12-26
- Why does Solomon claim to hate life? Why does Solomon find no satisfaction in his work? What does this suggest was the end goal of his work?
- How can we find satisfaction in our work according to Solomon? What does God give to the one who pleases him?
- What is your attitude toward your work? What do you see as the end goal of your work? How has your relationship with God helped you to find satisfaction in your work?
Sept 14th – Ecclesiastes 3:1-14
- What do we learn is a part of God’s plan for our lives in the first 8 verses? How does this knowledge change our perspective during difficult seasons of life?
- What does it mean that God has made everything beautiful in its time? What does it mean that God has placed eternity in the hearts of men?
- How would you define God’s sovereignty? As you look back over your life at the good and bad times can you see how God used the negative times in your life as part of his plan?
Sept 15th – Ecclesiastes 3:15-22
- What does Solomon observe is present in the places of justice? What might be some examples of this in our world today? What encouragement does Solomon offer in light of this unfortunate reality?
- What test from God does Solomon refer to in verse 18? How does this test man? How do you think we pass the test?
- How is it possible for man to enjoy his work? (see 2:24-25) How would you answer the question that ends this passage?
Sept 16th – Psalm 36
- How does the self-flattery of the wicked prevent them from detecting and hating their sin? What might this self-flattery look like?
- What imagery does the Psalmist use to describe God? Which of God’s attributes does the Psalmist praise him for?
- What are some of the ways that God has preserved you in your life? Ways that he has been a refuge for you? Provided for you? Spend some time praising God for these things!
Sept 17th – Ecclesiastes 4
- What did Solomon observe about the Oppressed? What examples of oppression do we see in our world today? Who comforts them?
- What does Solomon see as the motive of his fellow man? In what ways do we see evidence of this motive in our world today? Put verse 6 in your own words, what is this teaching us?
- What does Solomon teach us about friendship here? Describe a time in your life when you tried to go it alone, how did it go? What are the benefits of friendship according to Solomon?
Sept 18th – Ecclesiastes 5:1-7
- How would you put in your own words what Solomon instructs us here on how to approach God? What might he be referring to as the sacrifice of fools?
- How do you approach God? Why do you approach him the way that you do? How might this passage change the way you approach God? Why?
- What are we taught about making vows to God? What vows have you made to God? How have you fulfilled those vows? What does it mean to stand in awe of God? Do you stand in awe of God?
Sept 19th Ecclesiastes 5:8-20
- What does Solomon mean in verse 10? Have you ever found yourself wanting more than what you have in regard to money? Why is it so easy to love money?
- What makes the sleep of the laborer sweet? How might the abundance of the rich prevent him from having sleep? How does the money and stuff that you have affect your sleep?
- What is the gift of God regarding wealth and material possessions according to Solomon? Are you experiencing this? Why or why not?
Sept 20th – Ecclesiastes 6
- How would Solomon answer the question, “Does prosperity bring happiness and fulfillment?”
- Who does Solomon say would be better off than a man who had prosperity but not the God given ability to enjoy it? Why would he say this?
- How are you pursuing happiness and fulfillment? Is it working, are you finding it? If so, how? If not, why not? What does your heart yearn for above all else?
Sept 21st – Ecclesiastes 7:1-14
- Explain the point of the proverb in verse 1 in your own words.
- How is it better to be in the house of mourning than in the house of feasting? What do you think about when you are mourning the loss of a loved one? What do you think about when you are at a party?
- In what ways is the rebuke of a wise man good for us? Why do we often prefer the song of a fool? What perspective are we instructed to have concerning suffering and difficult times in this passage? What makes this a hard perspective to have?
Sept 22nd – Ecclesiastes 7:15-8:1
- What is Solomon saying in verse 16-17? How does verse 18 help us understand these two verses?
- What is Solomon referring to in verse 26? How has Solomon lived out what he is referring to in his own life? (see 1 Kings 11:4)
- What significant theological truth is taught in this passage? (see verse 20, 29)
Sept 23rd – Psalm 37
- Why might we fret because of evil men? According to the Psalmist why shouldn’t we do this? What should we do instead? (v 3, 7)
- What does it mean to delight yourself in the Lord? Are you living this way? Why or why not? What promise is given to those who do this?
- How does God describe the wicked in this Psalm? How does he describe the righteous?
Sept 24th – Ecclesiastes 8:2-15
- What reasons does Solomon give for obedience to the king? Since we do not have a king, who should we obey for the same reasons?
- What does Solomon point out that man has no power or control over? Who does have power and control over these things? What difference does that truth make when it comes to our perspective on our government leaders?
- What injustices does Solomon observe in this passage? What is the result of a delayed sentence for a wrongdoer according to Solomon? Can we see this at work in our world today? If so, how?
Sept 25th – Ecclesiastes 8:16-9:9
- What conclusion does Solomon come to in verse 16-17? Put this in your own words. Can you think of a time in your life when you struggled to understand why something happened in your life? Describe it.
- How does Solomon live with this knowledge? (see 9:1) What does he mean when he says we do not know whether love or hate awaits us?
- What is the common destiny that all righteous and wicked people share? What hope then do we have according to Solomon here? How then should we live in light of this common destiny and the hope that is mentioned?
Sept 26th Ecclesiastes 9:10-18
- What does it look like to live like Solomon commands us to in verse 10? What reason does he give for us to work that way? Do you work that way? Why or why not?
- What is the observation Solomon is making in verse 11? What other exterior qualities might we be tempted to think guarantee success? Which of your qualities have you been tempted to rely on for success instead of trusting in God?
- What is the point of Solomon’s parable in verses 13-15? What are the principles Solomon draws out of this parable? Whose wisdom do you seek and rely on regularly? Describe that person.
Sept 27th – Ecclesiastes 10:1-20
- Explain in your own words what Solomon is communicating in verse one through vivid language. Can you think of examples of this principle in your own life?
- How does Solomon describe the fool in this passage? How does a fool differ from a wise man with his words? What tendencies are there in your life that tend toward the fool?
- What seems more common in our world today, fools or wise people? How do we live as wise people when we live among fools?
Sept 28th – Ecclesiastes 11:1-6
- What does Solomon urge us to do in verses 1 and 2? What does this mean? What can this look like in your life? What prevents us from living like this?
- What principle is Solomon teaching us in verse 4? Can you think of a time when you were tempted toward inaction because of waiting for perfect conditions? What areas of our life do we do this with?
- Put the advice Solomon share in verse 6 in your own words. Spend some time prayerfully examining your life looking for places where you are idle.
Sept 29th – Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8
- What does Solomon tell us to do in verse 7-9? Remembering the rest of the book how are we able to do this? What 2 important reminders does Solomon give in verse 8 and 9?
- Why does Solomon remind us to remember the days of darkness? (see 7:2-4) Why does Solomon remind us that God will bring us to judgment? How should this affect the way we live?
- What does it mean to remember our creator in the days of our youth? How intentionally are you “remembering your creator?” What areas of your life would be different if you remembered your creator more?
Sept 30th – Psalm 38
- How does David describe his feelings before God because of his sin? Have you ever felt this way before God because of your sin? Describe one of those times.
- How does David describe the response of those around him? Have you ever felt like people around you have treated you like this? If so, how did you respond?
- What are the petitions that David makes of the Lord in this Psalm? What are the petitions that are on your heart before the Lord today?
Oct 1st – Ecclesiastes 12:9-14
- What does Solomon liken the words of the wise to? In what ways are the words of the wise like these things?
- What is the whole duty of man? Describe in your own words what it means to fear God? to what degree do you fear God?
- What does Solomon give as the reason for this conclusion? What are the hidden things in your life that God will bring into judgement? How does knowing this motivate you to live differently in these areas?
- What did God choose us to be? What does it mean that he predestined us to be adopted as his sons?
- What does it mean that we have redemption through his blood? What did God lavish on us? What will be brought together under the head of Christ?
- What happened to us when we believed? How does Paul describe the significance of the Holy Spirit? Knowing this, what is your heart’s response to these great truths?
Oct 3rd – Ephesians 1:15-23
- What motivates Paul to pray for the church in Ephesus? What saints are you thankful for? How often do you express that thankfulness to God in prayer?
- What does Paul pray for the Ephesian believers? Take some time and pray for these things for our church.
- What Does Paul say about Christ in this passage? What does it mean for us that Christ is the head of the church?
Oct 4th – Ephesians 2:1-10
- How does Paul describe us before Christ? Looking at your own life, in what ways did you gratify the cravings of your sinful nature before Christ?
- What did God do for us? What motivated God to do this for us? What does it mean when it says we are saved by grace and not by works?
- What does it mean to be God’s workmanship? What does it say we were created for? What do you think are some of the good works God prepared for you to do?
Oct 5th Ephesians 2:11-22
- How does Paul describe us as Gentiles before Christ? What did God do for us through Christ? What does it mean to be brought near?
- Who are the two that are made one? How did he do this? How would you describe the relationship between Gentiles and Jews before Christ? After Christ?
- What does it mean that we are fellow citizens with God’s people? What does it say we are being built into now in Christ?
Oct 6th Ephesians 3
- What is the mystery in Christ that Paul refers to in this passage? Why does he refer to it as a mystery?
- How does Paul view himself before God? How do you view yourself? What was Paul’s understanding of his calling from God?
- What does Paul pray for the Ephesians? What is God able to do according to Paul? How does knowing this give us confidence to come to God with any and all requests?
Oct 7th – Psalm 39
- What are the emotions that David is feeling in this psalm? Which of those emotions do you most identify with and why?
- Why does David ask God to show him the number of his days? What does David then conclude about the length of his life? How might this affect his life from that day forward? How might it affect your life going forward?
- What is David asking God for in the last half of the Psalm? Why does he ask God to look away from him? What does he mean by this?
Oct 8th – Ephesians 4:1-16
- What does Paul mean when he says to live a life worthy of our calling? Are you living a life worthy of the calling God has placed on you? If so, how? If not, why not?
- What is the role and responsibility of church leaders? What is the responsibility of the church in the lives of others? What is the desired goal of this service?
- What comes with spiritual maturity according to this passage? What do you think your work in the church is that can help build others up and help them mature?
- How does Paul describe the way the Gentiles live that we should not emulate? In what ways do you see our world living like this?
- What does it mean to put off our old self? How do we do this? What does it mean to put on the new self? How do we do this?
- How do we give the devil a foothold in our lives? What kind of speech should we avoid, what kind should we engage in? How should we forgive one another? What does this look like?
Oct 10th – Ephesians 5:1-20
- What types of things are listed as improper for God’s holy people? What types of things are good for us to do as God’s holy people? Are there any behaviors listed here that you struggle with? What should you do?
- What does it mean to live as children of the light? What are some ways that we can find out what pleases the Lord? How do we know what the Lord’s will is?
- How can we be careful how we live, what does this look like? Do you have anyone in your life who helps you examine your life like an accountability partner? If not, who can you ask to do this for you?
Oct 11th – Ephesians 5:21-33
- What are wives commanded to do here? What does it look like for wives to submit to their husbands? Give examples of what this looks like.
- What are husbands commanded to do here? What does it look like for them to love their wives like this? Give some examples of what this looks like.
- Wives how are you doing at submission and respect toward your husband? Husbands how are you doing at loving your wives?
Oct 12th Ephesians 6:1-9
- What command are children given here? Why the qualifier “in the Lord?” What is the promise that goes with this command?
- Fathers what are you commanded not to do? What does this mean? What are you to do instead? Fathers in what ways are you intentionally doing this?
- What command is given to slaves? What command to masters? What application is there here for us in our jobs, or for us as bosses over others?
Oct 13th – Ephesians 6:10-24
- What does Paul say our battle is against? What does he mean by this? What does the armor of God enable us to do (v 11,13)?
- Describe the function and purpose of each piece of the armor of God? How do we put on these things?
- How are we to pray? How does Paul ask to be prayed for? What does this tell us about what was important to him? If someone were to ask you how they could pray for you how would you answer them?
Oct 14th – Psalm 40
- What did God do for David in the first 3 verses of the Psalm? What has the Lord lifted you out of? How has he changed your circumstances from before you knew him as Lord? What was David’s response to this?
- What does David desire in verse 8? Do you share this desire with David? What evidence is there in your life that this is true?
- What does David wish for those who seek the Lord? How do you most often desire to worship God? How did David describe himself before God? How would you describe yourself?
Oct 15th – 1 Samuel 1
- How did Peninnah treat Hannah? Why did she treat her this way? What do you think was the connection between going to the house of the Lord and the mistreatment?
- What did Hannah do in her grief and desperation? How did the priest Eli respond to her? How did God respond to her?
- Can you think of a time when you felt desperate and poured out your heart to God, what did you do? What did God do?
Oct 16th – 1 Samuel 2
- What do you find most striking in Hannah’s prayer? Why? What truths does she affirm about God?
- What does it mean that Eli’s sons had no regard for the Lord? What was their sin regarding the sacrifice? Why was this sin so great in the sight of God? What would it look like for us to have no regard for the Lord like this?
- What was Eli’s sin? What are some ways that you intentionally seek to honor God in your life? Are there any ways that you despise him by your actions? If so, what?
Oct 17th – 1 Samuel 3
- What does it mean in verse 7 that Samuel did not yet know the Lord? How does it appear God spoke to Samuel? How does God speak to us normally?
- Why was Samuel scared to tell Eli what the Lord had said? Have you ever been nervous to tell someone the truth from God’s Word? Why? What did you do?
- What can we learn from Eli’s response to hearing “bad news” from the Lord about him and his family?
Oct 18th – 1 Samuel 4
- Why did the Israelites bring the ark with them into battle after they had been defeated? What did they expect would happen by doing this?
- Are there any religious symbols that we are tempted put our faith in rather than God himself? Why are we tempted to trust these symbols?
- How does what happens in this chapter fulfill what God had predicted about Eli and his family? What is meant by the statement “the glory has departed from Israel?”
Oct 19th- 1 Samuel 5
- Why did God make Dagon’s statue fall on his face? What do you think this demonstrated to the Philistines? Can you think of other times in Scripture where God demonstrated his superiority over other ‘gods’?
- Why was God’s hand heavy against the people of Ashdod? How did they know this, what happened? What did they do? Did it work?
- What do we learn about God from this passage? What emotion did this evoke among the Philistines? When might God’s hand be heavy against someone today?
Oct 20th – 1 Samuel 6:1-7:1
- What did the Philistines decide was the best way to give the ark back? What offering did they give? Why did they give this with the ark?
- What did they do to determine if God was behind all of their suffering? How did the Israelites in Beth Shemesh first respond when the ark returned?
- What did some of the men do that they should not have done? What did God do in response? Why did God respond in such a dramatic way? What did this teach them about God?
Oct 21st – Psalm 41
- What does it mean to have regard for the weak? What does the Psalmist say the Lord will do for that person?
- What brings the Psalmist peace when all his enemies desire ill things for him? Could you make with confidence the statement that David makes in verse 11? Why or why not?
- What two things does the psalmist hope for and trust to receive from God in verse 12?
Oct 22nd – 1 Samuel 7:2-17
- What did Samuel require of the Israelites if they wanted to return to the Lord? Is there anything in your life that you need to get rid of to be right in your relationship with God?
- What did the Israelites ask Samuel to do for them? Why was this such an urgent request? Do you have someone who can intercede with God for you in difficult times? If not, who could you ask?
- What did Samuel do after Israel won the battle with God’s help? What reminders do you have in your life of ways God has dramatically intervened in your life? Who could you share them with.
Oct 23rd – 1 Samuel 8
- What reasons did the Israelites have for wanting a king? How did God view this request?
- What warning did Samuel give the people in response to their request for a king? How did the people respond?
- How was Israel’s request for a king a rejection of God? In what ways in your life do you desire to be like others? Has that desire ever motivated you to ask God to make you like them? What does this tell us about our hearts when this happens?
Oct 24th – 1 Samuel 9:1-10:8
- How is Saul described in this passage? How does God get Saul to Samuel? What does this teach us about God?
- How does Saul initially react to what Samuel tells him? How does Samuel show Saul honor?
- Why do you think Samuel wanted Saul’s servant to not see the anointing and prophesy about Saul? What does Samuel say is going to happen to Saul that will change him? How has God changed you into a different person?
Oct 25th – 1 Samuel 10:9-27
- What about Saul’s heart do you think God changed at this point in his life? Who took notice of Saul with the prophets? How did they react? Who has noticed the differences in your life since coming to faith in Christ?
- Where was Saul when he was selected as king? Why was he hiding there? What does this tell us about Saul?
- What motivated the men who accompanied Saul home to do so? What lesson is there for us about how God provides for those he calls for specific tasks? Have you seen God do this in your life? If so, how?
Oct 26th – 1 Samuel 11
- What did the Spirit of God coming on Saul accomplish? How did Saul unite all Israel to come to the aid of Jabesh Gilead?
- What did this victory convince the people of? Who did Saul give credit to for the victory?
- Can you think of ways that God has confirmed in your life what he has called you to do? How has he confirmed your calling to others in your life? When you see great things happen, to whom do you give the glory?
Oct 27th – 1 Samuel 12
- Why does Samuel ask the people if he has done anything wrong? What do the people affirm about Samuel?
- What does it mean in verse 9 that Israel forgot the Lord? Have there been seasons in your life that you have forgotten the Lord in this sense? What led to this? What happened?
- What is the charge that Samuel gives to Israel in verses 14-15? How did God demonstrate his displeasure at their asking for a king? Reflect on verse 24, are you doing this? What great things have you seen God do?
Oct 28th – Psalm 42
- What image does the Psalmist use to describe the desire he has for God? Can you relate to earnest desire? What belief is behind such a desire?
- What is the Psalmist feeling in this Psalm? How does the Psalmist instruct his own soul in the midst of his trial? Why is this so important when we are struggling?
- What are the Psalmist’s enemies saying to him about his God? Does our world ask us the same question? How might we answer that question when we are struggling? When we are discouraged?
Oct 29th – 1 Samuel 13
- What did the Israelite soldiers do when they saw they were in a very difficult situation? Have you ever faced a very difficult situation and wanted to respond like that?
- What did Saul do that was wrong? What reason does he give for doing it? Why was it wrong? What was the punishment for this disobedience?
- Are there times when we rationalize our disobedience to God thinking that we are doing the right thing? What are some examples of this?
Oct 30th – 1 Samuel 13:16-14:23
- What did the Philistines do to weaken the Israelites? What effect might this have had on the moral of the army? Who did it force them to trust?
- How does Jonathan step out in courageous faith? How might you step out in courageous faith in your life right now? What does God do for Jonathan?
- What encouraged the frightened Israelites to come out of hiding? Have you ever been tempted to run away from a seemingly impossible challenge? What happened?
Oct 31st – 1 Samuel 14:24-52
- What oath did Saul bind his people under? How was this oath selfish? What effect did Saul’s selfishness have on his army? When have others been hurt by your selfishness?
- What does Saul do for the first time in this passage? What can we assume about Saul given that this was the first time he had done this? With what regularity do you seek the Lord in your life?
- In what way does Saul overreact in this passage? What price does he almost pay for this overreaction? Are you prone to overreaction? What has it cost you?